
Is this a dream????


"Aww!!!! Why did you do that?!?!?"

I shouted at him... He pinched my nose... Ishh...

We are now sitting on a bench at this empty park....

"It's to stop you thinking that this is just a dream!! Ishh.. By the way, if this is just a wonderful dream of yours.. "


"What will you do??"

o.o Eh??


"M-molla!!!" Ish... >\\\<

Why is he acting like nothing has happened?!?!

"Yah... listen, even if you already know how I feel about you, don't feel uncomfortable with me. Arasso?!?! huh?!?!"


"Don't beg me as if you're a king!!! Ish!!!!! I hate you so much...." I mumbled...

"Mwo?!? What did you just say?!? Yah!! I just said I love you, and now you're saying that you hate me?!? Yah sadako, since you've already heard that I love you, from now on, you don't have the right to curse me or say you hate me.. Arasso?!?!"

omo.. O.O Is this guy crazy?!?

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YOU BASTARD!!!" I shouted at him...

"Yah!!! did you understand what I just said?!?! I told you not to yell at me!!!!"

what the...

"Ish.. whatever!!!" I said as I stood up...

I can't bare with him anylonger. Ish... He's damn freak. >\\\\\< 

I was about to go when he grabbed my wrist...

"Wait...  I have a question..." He said seriously...

Seriously what is wrong with this guy!?! He's xhanging his mood everyminute!!


"You don't like me... right???"



"W-what are you talking about.?"

"When Suzie asked you, you said you don't like me..."

Omo.. >\\\\<

He's now standing behind me and he's still holding my wrist...

"Tell me... am I that bad guy to you???"

What the heck is he talking about....

"Can I ask which part of me you don't like the most???"

Omo.. >\\\\\< Why is he asking me these tooo hard questions?!?!

"Ah-actually, ... I...I...." Omo.. I can't say this... >\\\\\<

"Yah!!! Speak straight!!!!"

=_= Damn it..  here he goes again. Wrecking that emo moments..  Why did he break that serious scenario ??? TT^TT

Ish... you dumbass Sehun...

"Yah!! Answer me?!?"

Why the hell is he shouting now?!


"Yah!!! Which part of me you don't like the most?! Tell me!!! pali!!!!"

What the heck.. =_=+

MR. RIGHT [EXO-SEHUN] (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now