Junior Awards

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Friday was Underclassmen Awards, and I wasn't really expecting to get anything this time because it's mainly stuff like "Perfect Attendance", Year-Long A/AB-Honor Roll", and "Most Improved", none of which I qualify for. Band, clubs, AP courses, and consistency will do that.

Anyways, we were all assembled in the lunchroom to listen to the teachers name off all the awards (woohoo, fun stuff) and it was mostly the same kids getting called a bunch. Everything's normal, I thought, I know I'm not getting an award today.

Except I did.

They started calling club awards, and I'm part of my school's FCCLA (Future Career and Community Leaders of America) club. Heck, I'm the VP. So, they called up all of this year's members and I was called. Of course, I was kinda zoned out bc I was convinced I wouldn't be receiving an award, so my name is called and I'm confused. I go up and get the award and get back to my seat all buzzed bc I gOT AN AWARD WHAT

We ended up getting our pictures taken, but everyone had bailed except the president and I, so it fit either way.

AP English got its own "awards ceremony" with the AP English teacher, in which she gave out personalized awards so that everyone got one. Mine was "Most Likely to be Absent due to Band Performances".

Good to know my English teacher has a sense of humor.

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