

Tss.. Games are so easy...  *smirks*




Aaaahhh!!!what the fdsvjkgukmabhsck is this thing?!?!?!

It's driving me crazy!!!

>>:[ Ish!!! This ugly bird can't even get over the pipes!! Ish!!

"Hahahahahahahahaha.. Haha.. Se-seriously?!?! You can't even enter a single pipe!! Hahahaha... Hahaha..." Sehun laughed like it's the end of the world...

Damn it! Ishh!!

"Wait!! I'll try it once more!!!" I demanded...

"Okay okay..  Hahahahaha..."




O.O ...

:D!! I got Five!!!! Yeaaaaaahhhh!!!!

How can I win this?!?!

"Waaahh.. Improvement.. Okay... It's time for our battle!! Muwahahahaha.. I'm expert when it comes to flappy bird.. *smirks*" He said and grabbed his phone from me..

Oh Lord God please let me win, Amen...

I prayed.. I really prayed..

I don't wanna go !!! I don't I don't I don't wanna!!

Sehun started to play and I'm starting to feel nervous.. He looks like he's too genius about flappy bird!!

Omo.. This is cheating!!! I haven't even played this thing in my entire life!! I don't even know that game exists!! Otteoke?!?! TT^TT

"*playing seriously* =_= " -Sehun...






O.O -> :| -> :/ -> XDDDD


"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! WAE WAE WAE!!!!!!?!?!???!?! MWOYA?!?!?!" Sehun screamed and he's totally pissed off...

"Ahahahahahahahahahaha... Wahahahahahahahahahaha.. Hahahahaha... What the heck you moron Sehun?!?!?!?? Three?!?! Hahahahahahhaha!!!" I laughed so hard and I think I'm gonna die!!

What did he say?? Expert?!?! Hahahahaha.. D*mn!!! I'll defeat that!!

Three!! I got five earlier.. I'll get that three!! I'll do my best!! Hehehehe >:]

"Yah!! STOP laughing at me you Sadako!! Ish... I just practised it last night so I'm still not that good.. >\\\<"

"M-mwo?!?! Practised last night?!?!.. Ish.. You just said you're expert.. Hahahaha..."

"Ish.. Just play and take your turn now!!!! Ish..." He crossed his arms and legs...

Hahahaha.. He's more cute when he looks angry.. ^^

This is the first time I laughed so hard.. XD This flappy bird is so fun...

"Okay.. It's my turn..."

I grabbed his phone from him.. Hehehe.. Three.. Only three...


I tapped the play button..

MR. RIGHT [EXO-SEHUN] (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now