Chapter No. 1 "The What?"

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     "Ring, ring, ring!"
     My alarm clock began to scream. Getting up a 6:00 am everyday can feel rough sometimes. I rolled over onto my side & turned it off. I rolled over again so that I was laying flat on my back. I began to rub my eyes so that my vision would focus. I swung my legs over the bed & slid on my fox fur slippers. I then picked up my glasses & placed them on my face so that I could actually see. I got up & retrieved my robe that was hanging on the back of the bathroom door. I then quickly rushed over to turn on the lamp that was sitting on my nightstand. The sun was almost up. I pulled back my white, lace curtains to get a glimpse of the sun rising. I took in a deep breath & sighed. Today was going to be an interesting day. No one was up yet & I didn't know of the results. I didn't want to disturb anyone so I began my usual morning routine as if I were going to school.
     My first step was getting up. Check! I then went to the bathroom to wash my face, brush my hair, brush my teeth, & put in my contacts. It was now makeup time; this was the hard part. Putting on makeup usually takes me an hour, give or take a few minutes. I sat at my vanity & began the process. I picked up my headband & pulled all of my hair back so it wouldn't get in the way. My makeup routine was always followed in the same order. I have a brush for everything. If you don't think it's complicated, then you would be wrong.
     Makeup & morning skin care routine: face wash, moisturizer, primer, foundation, concealer no. 1, concealer no. 2, powder, matte blush (on cheeks), shimmery blush (top of cheekbone), nose contour, forehead contour, cheekbone contour, jawline contour, highlighter (cupid's bow & cheekbones), lip salve, eye primer, eyebrow mascara, eyebrow powder, eye shadow, mascara, setting spray, & lipstick.
     And if you were wondering, I keep my makeup light & natural. I can't stand girls who look like completely separate people with & without makeup. Natural beauty is wonderful & everyone has it. I was finishing up the process when I heard a noise that seemed to be coming from downstairs.
     "Knock, knock, knock."
     I heard the knocking on the oak panel door at around 7:02 am.
     "Who could that be?," I wondered.
     I made my way downstairs feeling anxious at the thought of who could be standing behind the front door. I had just finished my makeup & was still in my nightgown when I answered the door; I was presentable, just not the way I preferred. When I open the door, I saw a tall man in a black suit, dark sunglasses, and very slicked back hair.
     "Miss Kimberly, we are here to provide security for the President Elect."
     There were several men dressed like the man I had spoken with that were crowded around the door while photographers where anxiously snapping pictures.
     "The what?" I said in a tone that was a mix of total confusion & sleepiness.
     "Yes Miss Kimberly. As members of the Secret Service, it is our duty to protect you and your father."
     Among the rapid clicking of cameras in the background of the conversation, I had come to the realization that daddy had won. I almost fainted. I was instantaneously  filled with joy. I ran back upstairs to finish dressing. I met my grandparents in the hallway as they were awoken by the conversation that I had had with the Secret Servicemen. I could not believe it; a dream come true. This was honestly the best day of my life, well, there will be more of those to come.
     I burst into my room to finish my morning routine. I stepped into my large walk-in closet & pulled out the dress that I was saving just for this moment. It was a beautiful red shift dress with lace detailing; it was red for the Republican Party. If you can't tell, I like to plan ahead. After slipping it on, I sit down at my dressing table to add the finishing touches to my look. I reached into my beautiful jewelry box, a box that had once belong to my great grandmother and retrieved my real pearl earrings, necklace, and bracelet followed by a spray of my favorite perfume: Chanel No. 5. I slipped on my nude thigh-highs & my black kitten heels, then proceeded to tease my hair to perfection. I take fashion & modesty very seriously if you couldn't tell. While finishing, all I could think of was, "My daddy is the President. What does your daddy do?" Just like the record sung by Little Jo Ann. (A little song about young Caroline Kennedy)
     I did one last dress check in the mirror. I wanted to make sure that I made an entrance even though I was in my own home. I walk back down the stairs to see everyone nice and ready for the long day ahead. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw daddy by the fireplace talking to the Secret Servicemen . He turned around after hearing the clink of my small leather heels hit the floor. He smiled & we ran towards each other; we met in a sweet embrace embrace that was worth a lifetime waiting for.
     "Congratulations daddy!"
     "Thank you so much dear! I couldn't have won it without you!"
     He was referring to all of the work that I had done for his campaign prior to the election. I traveled with daddy to thirty-five out of fifty states while he was campaigning. I was the light of his campaign. I charmed every audience daddy spoke in front of. There have been many newspaper articles written about me since then; I have seen my photograph in many magazines talking about my love and support for my father. The world was obsessed with me. All the articles about my beauty, self love, and support. I was slowly but surely becoming an icon. Just walking down the streets was enough to be recognized.
     I was in many of daddy's campaign advertisements. I had suggested, to which he agreed, that the campaign ads should be kept simple & vintage looking. This is the reason we had scored the rights to all the songs that Frank Sinatra had used for John F. Kennedy's campaign. Not only did daddy use these songs because of his liking of JFK, but also the uncanny fact that he was Jack Kimberly instead of Jack Kennedy. Also Kimberly fit in all of the songs due to it having three syllables.
     The rest of the day was filled with reading newspapers, watching the reports on television, & many phone calls. My cell phone was being completely blown up with text messages, emails, & other social media buzz. I went on Instagram to check out my profile & was surprised to see that I had 100k followers. How amazing! The house was full of chatter; I have never heard the words president & White House so many times in one sitting. I was sitting in the dining room with my grandmother. We were talking about this whole scenario & what might come next. We did this for most of the day. I got up to get my cell phone out of the living room & found daddy sitting on the floor with documents spread out all over the place. While everyone else was working, I started working & preparing for the special day in January. I had much to do and not much time to work, but it was a task I was very honored to take on.

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