Chapter 7

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*Two days later*

The hunger woke me up. I hadn't left my room the past 2 days. I have no energy at all. I can barely sit up. When I finally do, the whole room is spinning, worse than usual. The room is dark, it's probably in the middle of the night. I have to eat something. It doesn't need to be a whole proper meal, just a carrot, or a fruit or even a glass of water. I stand up, holding on to the bed so I don't fall. My vision is blurry, but I slowly take one step after the other towards the door.  When I finally get to the kitchen I'm breathing heavily. I sit down on the floor. I look up at the fruit bowl. Should I have an apple, orange or banana? Obviously not the banana, it contains the most calories. The orange has the least, but the apple takes less time to prepare. I decide to have an orange. I slowly stand up and grab the orange, search for a knife and sit down at the table.

I scoff the orange, barely tasting it. Then I go back to bed, less dizzy and fall instantly asleep.


I wake up by the sunlight. I check the time. 12.30. Then my phone vibrates. It's a text. From Liam.

"We just arrived to the airport, we can't wait to see you. We'll meet you in the studio at 13.30! :) xx"

Then I remembered that the boys are coming home today. Just the thought made the happiness bubble up inside me. I shot out of bed. Not such a good idea. The room start spinning, not as bad as before but enough to make me have to hold on to the bed to stay on my feet. I'm still in my one piece so I go down to the kitchen. I'm gonna eat something. But only something. Not too much. But when I enter the kitchen I feel my anxiety come. Just an apple. Just to get through the day.

You'd think I'd be out the door just in time, but no. It took me 15 bloody minutes to finish the apple. I had to keep reminding myself that I needed it.

12.47. I'm gonna be late.


As soon as I appear the boys come rushing towards me, almost suffocating me in a tight group hug.


"We've missed you Jade!"

"So happy to see you again."

That's what you think they said? Hah, no. It was something more like this:

"Louis stop touching my bum!"


"Im hungry! Can we go to burger king? I want burger king!"


"We just ate Niall... I SAID STOP TOUCHING MY BUM!"

They're so lovely. When they finally release, and I can breathe again the producer bursts in, telling us to hurry. Then we warm up, change to outfits, shoot some scenes, change again, shoot more scenes, practice dance moves, shooting more scenes for 3 straight hours until we're exhausted.

"Good job guys! Same time, same place tomorrow. Have a good evening!"

"Finally!" Niall breathes out. "I'm starving!"

They all agree. Except for me. They all look at me.

"I already ate." I say a bit too fast.

"Oh, what did you eat?" Louis says suspicious.

Now I'm stuck.

"Well... I... I-I-" He grabs my arm, leading me to the door.

"That's what I thought... Come on, we're going to burger king."

We get into the car and I try to calm myself down. It's okay... You can do this... Don't think too much about it, just do it... 

Louis orders as me and the rest of the of the boys find somewhere to sit. Thank god there's no fans in here.

Harry's POV

Louis comes back with the food. Finally, I'm starving. We immediately grab what we want. Except Jade. We had discussed if she was sick or not on the plane. But I don't think she is. She looks fine to me. I believe her when she says she ate, Louis is jumping to conclusions. But when Louis scoots over the burger to her, I see it. In her eyes. Fear.

"Here, eat it." Louis says. "Please."

It looks like she's going to cry. We all see it. Why is he doing this to her? But it's not Louis' fault, I can't blame him. I put a hand on her shoulder. She is really tense.

"Please, Jade. You need it." I say. 

She looks up at me. I look her in the eyes. I don't want her to feel like this. I've never realized how beautiful her eyes are. Even though they're grey, it looks like they're shining. I feel her body relax. She takes a deep breath, still looking into my eyes. Then she looks at the burger, picks it up and takes a bite out of it, chewing slowly and swallows. I can't help but smile, but not for long. She puts the burger down and shoots up from the chair and rush out of the restaurant.

"Jade, come back!" Louis shouts.

I rush after her. What the hell happened? I find her in the car, with her hands covering her face. I feel a pinch of pain in my heart. Why is she crying? I sit beside her, with my arm around her shoulders.

"Jade, what's wrong? Stop crying, please stop crying." I embrace her. "What happened?"

I don't want her to feel like this. I want her to be happy.

She dry her tears with her sleeves.

"I'm sorry... you must think I'm crazy..." She says. I hug her tighter, but before I can tell her that I don't think she's crazy, Louis opens the car door.

"I'm sorry Jade... I shouldn't have-"

"It's not your fault." She cuts him off.

"Let's go, it's been a rough day." Liam says, putting the bag of leftover food in Niall's lap.

Jade leans her head on my shoulder, I give her a kiss on her forehead as the bumpy ride rock her to sleep.


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