Chapter One: HIM

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Sorry in advanced that this chapter is very.....bland....but i promise it will get more exciting soon!


"It's zero out today!" my mother made sure to tell me for the 'unt tenth time. I pull my coat on, and groggily shove my hands into a pair of white gloves. "Make sure to go job hunting this afternoon. Oh, and pick up something to cook for dinner tonight." my mother calls after me as I rush to the door. My little sister, Tansy, stops me with a hug. "Have a good day, sissy!" I chuckle and hug her back. "You too, munchkin." She waves bye as I head out to my car.

The wind bit at the tips of my nose and ears. Turning my head away, I happen to see four deer grazing right beside our big red barn. We had a staring contest, till they hopped away. I was mesmerized for a little bit, but then got into my car. When I started it, La la by Naughty Boy was on, so I turned the volume up. Singing along, at the top of my lungs, I think:

'Today's going to be a good day.'

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"It was so cold in class, that it hurt to touch my book!" I tell Fey as we walk to our lockers. She laughs me, and I give her a look that says 'I'm totally serious!' But she doesn't believe me. Fey is my closest friend, well except for my cousin, Ella.

We get to our lockers and Fey asks, "Why were you late this morning?" I shrug, and start to exchange my Math book for Spanish. "I over slept, and my car was cold," I conveniently left out the part where I woke up at 3 o'clock in the morning because of a nightmare, and didn't go back to sleep. But somehow Fey knows that I'm leaving something out, and chooses to ignore it. For now. "Any way you missed. . ." her voice began to trail off as I watched him walk by us. He's 5'11" of blonde hair, brown eye gorgeousness, and today he's covered in black. From his jacket to his boots. "I see the daily ritual has begun." Ella says walking up to us.

"Why do you like him?" Fey asks, not missing a beat. "I don't like him, and it's not a ritual." They both sigh and shake their heads. "What?! It's true!" I just found him interesting. There was something about him that seemed familiar. I felt safe and comfortable when I know he's near.

......I'm such a creeper.......

Fey and Ella talk to each other as I watch him grab his books and head to class. This was the first week of the new semester, and some of my classes are charging 'I wonder if we'll be in the same class,' I think as I gather the rest of my things. "I don't see how you can pine after a guy you don't even know the name of, but you won't date any of the guys I set you up with!" Ella says, and tugs on my long, dark, blonde hair. "It's not like you're ugly! If you tired, you could have them crawling to you!" I laugh, and Fey shakes her head. "You know I don't really want to be in a relationship till college," I say, to pacify her, and start walking down the hall. "I agree with you," Fey said, and walked beside me. "Who would want to be in a serious relationship with one of these country bumpkins?"

My next class was the one that was changing, and I am exited at the prospect. I get to the classroom, and slowly peak in. Disappointment filled me as I didn't see him. I go to a random seat, and settle into a boring lecture provided by an even more board Mr. Rockler

The lesson was just about to end when the classroom door opened, cutting Mr. Rockler off mid sentence. "Ah. Mr. Tier. So nice of you to grace us with your presence." It was l kept his head down, but the air around him was electrically charged. Like if someone touched him they would fry. "Now I expect you all to have everything you need for this class by tomorrow." as soon as Mr. Rockler was done speaking, the bell rang. I started to gather my things, when the person who sat behind me bumped my elbow, and nocked all of my books into the floor. "Sorry, Quince," he casually says over his shoulder, and keeps walking. I sigh, and bend down and pick them up. I hear another sigh, and as I go to look up my head hits something hard. "Ow!" I rub the back of my head and see that it was him, he had come to help me. "Oh, my gosh! I'm so sorry!" he just shakes his head, and I return to gathering my books.

When we're done, and I have everything in my arms, I say, "I really am sorry, yy name's Azalea by the way." I don't expect him to answer, but hear, "Felix." I stop on my way out. "Nice to meet you, Felix." I say with a smile, and head to my next class with a face that resembled a tomato.

My face finally cooled when I got to my locker, and just in time. Fey taped me on my shoulder, and layed her head on it. "Why do we need to know Calculus?" I laugh, and I see Ella come around the corner. "Well you wanna stay the night tonight?" Fey smiles, and stands up straight. "Yeah, we try to do our homework." I laugh, and Ella comes up and fist bumps Fey. "Can I come too?" she says and gives me the puppy eyes. I laugh and we all head to the parking lot.

Just as we were leaving the building something caught my eye, and I see Felix. For the first time, he's not looking down at the floor, or away. He's starring. My cheeks heat up a little. I shake my head. 'Get real Quince, he's probably looking at Ella.'

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"I'm serious! He totally likes you!" Ella kept saying. She was sitting on my bed painting her nails, while Fey, Tansy, and I sit on the floor "I don't like him though." I say, and make another braid in Tansy's hair, "I mean seriously who goes to the cousin of someone to ask a person out?" The topic we are now discussing is Brock Tanner. He went up to Ella and 'confessed' that he liked me, and would like to take me out on a date. Ella and her ever present matchmaking addiction, said that she would talk to me about it.

"Come on! He's on the football team, and he's a nice guy!" I snort, and Tansy looks up at me. "Do you like this guy?" she says, and it makes me smile. "No I don't, that's why Sissy isn't going to date him." I glare over at Ella, who is pouting. "Good, cause guys are gross," Tansy says sticking out her tongue. Fey and I laugh, but Ella sighs. "One day, Tansy, you are going to find our that only some of them are gross." She shakes her head furiously and shouts, "Never!" and then runs off. "Wait, Tansy!" I call after her. "She's adorable," Fey mutters, and then goes back to her book. "Yeah, I remember when all girls thought guys were gross," I say and lean back on my elbows. "I don't know what you mean, I was allway's interested in guys," Ella says, and then she breaks out a camera. "Hey look what I brought!" she says enthusiastically, and then takes a surprise shot of Fey "Wow a camera, I don't think I've ever seen one of those before," Fey says sarcastically, not even looking up from the book. Ella just rolls her eyes, and comes down to the floor with me.

"Let's all take a picture together!" she says, and assumes the selfie shot. I pull Fey away from the book, and we get in the shot. "This is our Senior year, and I want to make to most of it!" I make bunny ears behind Ella's head, and Fey sticks out her tongue. Ella doesn't realize it till she looks at the photo. "Hey!" She tickles me, and a pillow fight soon breaks out. Tansy comes back in and Ella pretends that she's kidnapping her. "Tansy, you are mine now!" between the giggling fits Tansy shouts, "No! Save me Sissy!" To which I do, but continue to tickle her till she's breathless. I hear the click of a camera, and see Ella standing over us. "It was a good shot!" she says and laughs.

"Girls time for bed!" Mom calls, and we all change into our pajamas. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" Tansy says, and puts on her puppy dog eyes. They usually get her anything she wants. "N-not tonight Nansy. But you can tomorrow." She pouts, but gives me a hug goodnight. "Sleep tight, and see you in the morning Munchkin." she smiles, " G'night Sissy! Love you!" I kiss her forehead. "Love you too, Tansy."

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