Chapter Twenty

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"-and that's when Ravioli's pushed me out of the room.I'm pretty sure he was bottom after I left" Hanji laughs as she walks me through the halls.

"I can't believe you're alive" I reply, blushing as she finished her story. 'What was I supposed to say? Good job on watching my best friend have sex with his lover?'

"Oh no, it happens all the time. I'm fine, but next time I'll take pictures next time so I ca-"

"No! No! You don't need to take pictures. It's okay, I don't need to see it" I blurt, shaking my head rapidly.

"But I need some to add to my collection. I have one of Sasha and Connie, Christa and Ymir, Jean and Yo-" Hanji stops rambling and laughs hesitantly.

"Oh my Go-" I couldn't finish my sentence since Hanji interrupts me.

"Let's go get books, I have a great book for you. It's about an uncle that kills his brother for throne. His ghost comes to his son and tells him to take vengeance on the uncle and take back the throne. It's very fascinating" Hanji says quickly.

"I-I don't know what to say right now. How did you get a picture?" I ask.

"I-I looked through your window. To be honest, I was a little worried about Marco tr-.Oh uh, I'm sorry. It just-let's go and look through Ravioli's things before he gets back" Hanji gushes as she changes the subject.

For once I let it go. This is Hanji we're talking about, she says a lot of things like this all the time. "I don't know. . .Corporal isn't the type of guy to mess with, but you always survive somehow" I reply, slowly following behind Hanji.

"Oh, we'll be fine" Hanji reassures, trying to win me over. "I'll drag you over anyway so you really don't have a choice" she adds, cackling.

'Oh boy.'

"Come on! We're losing precious time" Hanji whines walking towards Corporal's office.

"I-I don't know about this" I stammer, shaking my head in disapproval.

Hanji laughs again and walks into the room. "Help me find some dirty secrets" she demands, looking through Corporal's desk drawers.

"Ooo. There's a picture of Eren and Ravioli, and he's smiling! That's so sweet. Oh and there's some handcuffs; kinky" Hanji squeal, ignoring her very bloody nose.

"Uh Hanji? You're uh, you're bleeding" I state the obvious, grabbing a tissue box from Corporal's desk. I hand her the box and she takes a couple before going through more stuff.

"What am I going to do with you?" I mumble, sitting in Corporal's chair. Oh? This is a nice chair. It's so comfy" I sigh contently.

"Right? It's so much better than mine. I can't get one though. I think Eyebrows let him have it because he is getting old" Hanji agrees, chuckling afterward.

"Man, there's nothing else. Wait, I know! Let's go to his chamber" Hanji exclaims, grabbing my arm.

"W-wait Hanji! I don't want to g-oof" I begin before being yanked out of the chair.

"Don't be a wuss" Hanji replies, forcing me to go with her. I sigh, knowing that I can't stop her when she has her mindset to wants. As we walk in, we see a laundry bin with bed sheets in it.

"Ooo. They must have danced a lot last night" Hanji chuckles, crouching by the bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask, standing awkwardly by the door.

"I'm looking for the dirty goods" she answers, moving stuff from underneath the bed.

"I-I. Just be sure to put everything back the way it was" I shake my head as I sit on a chair. 'Damn, these chairs are comfy' I internally sigh.

"Well, Levi didn't leave anything else. I guess he knew something like this would happen. Oh well" she sighs.

I shrug, then stand up. "I guess we can go somewhere else, like a place that doesn't belong to a threatening person" I suggest, walking towards the door.

"Hold your horses, I mean horse. Hahah, get it? You're dating Jean. Hahah, that's great" Hanji cackles.

"Haha, very funny" I scoff, a small smile making its way onto my lips.

"Let's go to Eren's room!" Hanji hoots.

"No, I'm going to my room" I reject, walking out of the room.

"Ooo, good idea. Can I go through your stuff too?" she asks.

"No" I state. "And don't try anything funny either" I add, lightly scolding her.

"Fine" Hanji huffs, sulking over my answer. I shake my head as I open the door.

"Your room is so clean. Are you sure that Jean lives here too?" Hanji asks, looking around.

"Of course he does. Why do you ask?" I question, my face contorted with confusion.

"Because he is a horse. Horses can be very messy creatures" Hanji laughs. "That was a good one."

"Goodness gracious" I mutter, smiling softly. 'Jean would definitely fight her if he was here.'

"Anyway. Let's get serious for a moment. This expedition that everyone is on, there is more than what Commander led on. I shouldn't tell you, but this is life and death. With your IQ being phenomenal, you can help me" Hanji begin.

My eyebrows furrow together I listen to what Hanji has to say. "What do you mean? There's a double meaning to the mission? Is it something that will tear people apart? Is it more dangerous? Will Jean have an increased percentage of dying?" I question, falling onto my bed.

"I didn't say that. It's- the mission is just complicated. There are multiple components to the mission. Jean'll be fine. He's with Ravioli and Eren. It's going to be fine."

I nod as Hanji tries to reassure me. 'I hope this is worth it. We don't need to lose more people' i think as I lose myself in thought.  

Ello my lovelies. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I honestly love Hanji. I'm almost done with school! 5 more days of school left and I'm so happy to have my freedom back, heheh. I'll try to update once or twice a month. I also would like if you could go to my other account, thefamousmadhatter. Please follow, comment, and vote. Thank you babes,


Jean x Armin /under editing/Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora