Chapter 1

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name
(e/c) = eye color
(h/c) = hair color
(f/c) = favorite color
(f/f) = favorite food
(f/d) = favorite drink

Thoughts and Flashbacks will be in italics.


Links POV

The Zoras Domain is okay now that I finally rescued The Divine Beast Vah Ruta from Calamity Ganon, and finally rescued Mipha's spirit gaining Mipha's Grace the Zoras are still a little bit sketchy but I'm helping them anyway I can. I'm currently helping an old Zora named Jihato to find these stone monument's around the Zoras Domain.(A/N: The name of the quest is called Zora Stone Monuments) As I'm looking for the last one near the bottom of a cliff also near the Rito Lake (picture below)

(A/N: The name of the quest is called Zora Stone Monuments) As I'm looking for the last one near the bottom of a cliff also near the Rito Lake (picture below)

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I noticed 3 to 4 Lizalfos attacking something... more like SOMEONE??!! I hurried myself over there sword and shield ready to attack them. One of the monsters saw me coming, and warned the rest while coming straight at me. 'Bring it on scaly lizards!!'

~~~ Little time skip after the fight~~~

After killing the last Lizalfos and eating some food to replenish my health I turned and looked at the injured person.What the injured person looked liked shocked me. The person was obviously female because of the long (h/c) hair, but really shocked me was from the waist down she had no legs... she had a fish tail!! I was to busy staring at the tail I didn't noticed the girl was barely breathing. I finally snapped out of my thoughts when she was not moving. 'Oh god please tell me she is not dead!!' I quickly ran to her and checked for a pulse. Luckily there was one but it was faint. 'Oh thank Hylia she is alive!' But I couldn't praise for long the girl needed help and fast. The closest place was Zoras Domain, and since she looks like part fish maybe the Zoras have something to help her. I slowly but carefully picked up her bloody and bruised body bridal style, used the sheikah slate, and teleported to the shrine inside the Zoras Domain. ( A/N: The shrines name is Ne'ez Yohma Shrine I literally have the game on for these names)

~~~Time skip cuz it takes so long to teleporte in the game~~~

After the glowing blue finishes teleporting both the girl, and myself I ran out of the room and into the center of Zoras Domain. "Please someone help me," I cried. Several seconds later some Zoras came running towards me, and when they saw the unconscious girl 3 Zoras I hopefully believe went to find a healer, and 4 Zoras went to inform King Dorephan, and Prince Sidon while the rest were whispering about the girl. Not even 5 seconds later what looked like a healer walked up to me and said,"What happened to her?" "She was attacked by some Lizalfos," I said. The Zora nodded his head"Alright follow me Link we will take her to a medical pool water." As we were walking I asked him while looking at the sleeping girl,"What is she?" "She is a mermaid," he said while looking at her as well. "A what?" I said with confusion written all over my face. "A mermaid a hybrid between a human and a fish. Their similar to us Zoras," he said. "What's a human?" I asked? He mumbled,"So many questions. A human is like you Hyrulians but not with the elfish ears." I said a "Ah" and stopped asking questions to him. After what seemed like forever we finally came across what looked like a greenish blueish glow inside a pool of water. (Here's a picture similar to what I was thinking)

"Alright I want you to put her in the center the water will do the rest," the healer said

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"Alright I want you to put her in the center the water will do the rest," the healer said. "Yes sir," I salutted. I carefully put her in the center of the water. As soon I released her, and swam out of the water the same greenish blueish glow that came of the water made a barrier around her body. "Will she be okay?" I asked turning around to look at the Zora. "Oh yes she will be fine leave her like that for a week or two and she will be good as new. That pool of water heals all kinds of fish like creatures even us Zoras, and mermaids," he said with a small smile. "Thank you.. uh," "Oh please forgive me for not giving my name sooner my name is Eric." (My very own character here.) "Well thank you Eric you already know my name Link," I said with a smile. "Yes the Champion Link that saved us from the Divine Beast Ruta from flowing Hyrule," he said with a small smile. Before I can open my mouth "What happened?" Eric, and I turned around to see the prince of Zoras himself Prince Sidon. "Hello Link!" Sidon said with his usual toothy smile. "Hello Sidon this mermaid was being attacked by some Lizalfos I saved her from them and brought her here for some help," I explained. "And thank Hylia he did your highness if Link didn't come here she would have died from blood loss," Eric exclaimed. "I see can I have a look at her?" Sidon asked. "Of course the water is healing her right now," Eric said. We left Sidon to the girl, and when Sidon saw the girl I could have sworn I saw his eyes glowed a bit but that was probably my imagination.


Well I finally got to finish chapter 1 for you guys to tell you guys the truth it's a little hard when you make a first book. I hope you guys like the chapter I might make chapter 2 during the weekend if not it will be sometime soon.

See you soon my little readers!

A Magical Love (Prince Sidon x dragon/mermaid reader)(Continued)Where stories live. Discover now