Chapter Two: Kyle

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Hey everyone! How are you liking it so far? Well it's about to get better, XD (i think :P) ppls comment it really helps, and improvements if possible. Cheers 

Kyle Watkins is only ten yards away from me, looking down a street.

                What should I do? It going to be terribly awkward if he and I were to meet now. For me at the very least. I look around, the place we’re in is very open. There is no way I could escape in time without going unnoticed. As I fret, time ticks on and Kyle senses a presence. The moment his gaze is on mine, my mind is searing with panic and excitement, each steps he ascends towards me my heart goes unbelievably berserk. Everything seems slow-motioning, but it wasn’t until he was right in front of me did I realise his journey was short.

               What’s he going to say? Has he already forgotten or pushed the confession right to the back of his head? Of course, he must’ve. But why is he here?!

                Then, he takes me by surprise by gently planting a kiss on my cheek. That was it for Serei Taylor.

I can hear his beautiful voice of concern as I slowly tumble thinking, if am to die now, I’d be more than happy. But I feel awfully ashamed and guilty for making him worry, so I decide that no matter how much I want to stay in this position with his arms around me, it’s prudent I give him any sign that I was ok.

“Sere! Sere! Oh man!” I open my eyes and see him clearly annoyed with himself for some reason. Scratching his head . . . the way Peter does.  

                I jump back to life and yell, “Peter!!!”  he grins evily and sticks his tongue out, “Oops.” He says. It didn’t make any sense, this is Kyle in front of me, there’s no doubt about it. But this is also Peter and I know it is. And I can feel him holding me.

“how can you do this?! I never knew you could shape-shift? And how on earth did you? You’ve never seen Kyle before!” Or have they? Or just Peter in his case. Hang on . . .

Peter smirks. “ I didn’t.”

Holy crap! He didn’t!

“I possessed him.”

                “You what?!”

                “I possessed him.” he says again.

                “Peter!” I say, “You’re barking mad!” It takes so long to glare him out of Kyle’s body that when he does he leaves, he had already took three kisses and hugs from me, and held my hand quite a lot. For some insane reason, I actually let him. Is it because he’s Kyle? Or . . .

I realise it’s close to late evening when everything is returning to normal. I’m scared Kyle would find out when Peter leaves him, though he all but collapses unconscious. We take him back to his house, and when I say we, it’s really me who’s doing all the work. I have to carry him all the way since Peter can’t touch him, and he is pretty darn heavy. We leave him with his sister Claire who is hysterical and wants to call the doctors. I tell her that it’s ok, that he just needs sleep. She is relive but still decides to call the doctors and thanks me for helping Kyle. And after we leave, I don’t see Kyle anymore, although I don’t really want to. Not after what’s happened. It makes me really uncomfortable. And I still can’t get over it.

One day I’m coming back home from town from the hairdressers. As the bus stops at one of the stations my mobile goes off, my eyes lock on to the recipient; it’s Kyle. 

Under regular circumstances, I would have been absolutely thrilled then end up making a fool out of myself over the phone. Instead, I dismiss it with a sigh after remembering the incident with Peter, Not long, it rings again. This time it’s a text; same person. It’s not as if I have to answer?

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