Chapter 1

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Niall is slumped over his guitar in the local GuitarCenter replacing a string that someone (ahem, LOUIS) snapped earlier in the day. Once the new string is in place, he twists the tuning peg, plucking the string to tune it.

“Try a little tighter,” a feminine voice says, startling Niall out of his bubble of concentration.

Looking up to find a girl in a green GuitarCenter work shirt, Niall smiles his thanks (though he really doesn’t need instruction) and does as he is told. Twisting the peg a little more, Niall picks at the string again and finds the note still not quite right.

“Almost,” the girl murmurs, her eyes closed as she listens to the harsh note.

Niall twists the tiniest bit more, finally plucking the right note from the new string on his guitar. Just to make sure, he strums all the strings together and the guitar lets loose a beautiful sound.

“Ah, there it is,” the girl sighs with a smile.

“You play?” Niall asks, eyes raking over her now that his attention isn’t on other things. She is pretty with chocolaty brown hair and minty green eyes. Her lips a cotton candy pink.

It’s possible Niall is hungry right now.

“Did you miss the part where I work at GuitarCenter?” She asks with a playful smile.

Niall laughs, picking up another guitar that’s leaning on an amp next to his stool.

“Jam with me, then…”Niall leaned forward to get a better look at her nametag. “Teagan.”

And really, how can she refuse?

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