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Third Person's P.O.V.

Patricia yawned and stretched lazily. "I'm going to go for... A walk..." She looked down for a second.

Since Mark and Jack took her in, she had her own room and shit, you know?

"Um, sure." Mark replied with his arm around Jack on the couch, happy that they could have their private time for.... Some inappropriate reasons...

Patricia smiled when she saw that it was lashing rain. She always loved the rain. It reminded her of Ireland...


"Well... I think that it's time I joined the other brave women in this time of war. What do you think, mam?" Patricia smiled.

Páidraigín looked away. "Aren't you a bit... Young? If it makes you happy, I do not mind you helping." She admitted to her beaming daughter. At the time, Patricia had brown hair and very bright green eyes.

Róisín looked up from her wooden dolls that their father made especially for her. She didn't want to see her older sister get involved in war.

"Patricia... Where are you going?" She asked her older sister innocently, though she already knew...

"I might be gone to... Help our people for a little bit. Worry not. I will return soon." Patricia smiled kindly, bending down to her younger sister.

Róisín was only a year younger than Patricia, but she seemed a lot smaller and looked younger.

Patricia thanked her mother and walked out the door.

... Yet she never knew that it'd be the last time that she'd leave happily...

Róisín ran to her sister's side and opened her umbrella, making room for Patricia.

Róisín had pinkish skin, freckles and big, light green eyes at the time. Her hair was brown and very curly.

She wore a brown dress and light brown shoes. That's the way that the clothing was back then.

"Promise me that you will write to us." Róisín pleaded. "Of course I will." Patricia nodded, before bending down.

"You are a good girl and I want you to take care of the house while I am gone. Stay safe and I love you, sister." Patricia put her hands on Róisín's shoulders and kissed Róisín's forehead.

Róisín nodded, teary eyed. "Sláin go fól. Is aoibhinn liom duit..." Patricia whispered before she finally left...


Patricia stood at the bus stop, not knowing where the hell she was going, but she didn't care.

A little girl stood beside her. The girl began to notice that Patricia wasn't dressed in clothes that'd protect her from the rain.

She smiled kindly, opened her umbrella and held it over Patricia's head.

Patricia almost gasped upon seeing the girl. She was the splitting image of Róisín. "Oh, um.. Thank you." Patricia said gratefully. "No problem." The girl smiled.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 20, 2017 ⏰

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