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It's something we all put off doing, or loose interest in half way though.
Plus, it's quite boring. Reading tons and tons of books endlessly. And saying the same quote from Romeo over and over becomes quite tedious.

And there's no point in doing it if you're doing it wrong.

Well, science has figured out the best way to revise, how helpful.

Spider diagrams/Mind maps ~ helps make every thing concise and helps a lot of people visualise information in a nice neat way. Plus you can use colour and in some people, colours can increase memory. It's also so simple. Start with your main idea in the middle and spread out from there things you need to remember.

• Timing ~ having a schedule helps your brain know when it needs to focus

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Timing ~ having a schedule helps your brain know when it needs to focus. Create a revision time table. That way you can decide when you are definitely free. If you know you have a new episode of our favourite TV show coming out one day- don't revise then. Take time out for yourself. And break it down into little chunks. Doing lots of 30 minute sessions that focus on one part of a subject will help you keep stress levels down. Which is always a bonus.

Resources ~ make sure you have the right books and information do you don't wast time learning something wrong. I have revision books for each subject and a notebook to go with it.

Flashcards ~ are amazing for helping remember things. Theyre something to do with friends and you can actually laugh whilst doing it. The dinner time before an exam lots of people were in a classroom using other people's flash cards, and because there was so many people it didn't feel like revision, but it helped me massively. In addition to this, you can do them over and over quickly and you can identify what you need to work on.

Posters ~ make your own notes and maybe stick the somewhere. Every morning when your getting dressed read over one or two and you won't realise but as soon as a question comes up you'll know the answer.

Practice papers ~ it's one thing knowing the facts but if you're unable to word it correctly you will not get the marks. Examiners are looking for specific words and phrases so be specific. Doing exam questions and marking yourself makes you realise the words they are looking for. Remember these people are marking hundreds of papers so make yours easy. It is also proven to boost confidence before an exam.

YouTube videos ~ find quick 5 minute summaries. Before my biology exam I watched an entire summary of the topics in 50 minutes a few times and I managed to remember a lot more. It also makes you realise exactly what's in the paper so you can brush up on things. A lot of people post funny songs that help, mainly because they're so random. For English check out Mr Bruff. He raps poem quotes... it's funny and helpful and quick.

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