Finn Collins - "You may be an idiot, but you're my idiot"

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"What happened?" You stared at Murphy, at Finn, at the blood and you held your breath while you felt your stomach turning around. "What did you do?" Your eyes met Finn's and you let out a deep sigh when you saw the sadness, the despair, the disbelief.

"I thought they killed you..." Finn's hands were trembling and his knees were shaking. "I thought they took you away from me. I thought..." He couldn't finish his sentence. The words were stuck in his throat and he fell down in the mud with his hands covering his face. "I killed them..." He bend his head and he buried his hands in the ground. "I killed people..."

You let the words sink in and then you kneeled down next to him. You couldn't tell him that it was alright. You couldn't tell him that you understood it. You couldn't tell him that he shouldn't hurt himself like this. But you rubbed his back and let your head rest on his shoulder. "I'm not dead. I'm not taken. I'm here..."

"They're gonna look for me..." He straightened his back and his eyes met yours. "They're gonna kill me."

"I won't let that happen, Finn." You shook your head and pressed the palm of your hand to his cheek. "I won't let them take you from me and I won't let them kill you." You pressed your forehead to his and for a moment you kept silent.

It was hard to believe that he had really killed someone. It was hard to believe that Finn, who had always fought for peace and understanding, had lost his senses. It was hard to believe that Finn, the soft and sensitive boy you had fallen in love with, had been broken like this.

"We'll find a way to keep you safe." You eventually broken the silence again and you licked your lips. "We're at war, Finn. We all do stupid things at war. We all make mistakes. We all do things we end up regretting." You touched his face with the back of your hand and cocked your head a little. "It doesn't make you a monster."

"It does..." Finn looked up at you and you felt your heart skip a beat. He had never looked this sad, this broken, this lost. "I became the thing I hated. I did the thing I didn't want others to do. I'm the biggest idiot in the entire world and probably in space too."

You curled your lips up into a sad smile and wrapped your arms around him. "You may be an idiot, but you're my idiot." You kissed his nose and then his lips and you felt how Finn relaxed his muscles a little. "No one said that life here on earth would be easy. We all have our own demons to fight. This was yours. Now we're gonna make sure that you survive."

"I wouldn't know what to do without you." Finn cocked his head and his eyes met yours. "I wouldn't have wanted to live on this damned planet without you. Just like I wouldn't have wanted to live in space without you."

"I'm glad to hear that. Because I was not planning on leaving you. I need you too. You're my reason to keep on fighting every day."

Finn Collins - The 100 Imagines and DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now