Daily Update on Yesterday I

13 1 3

By: Grace

1.   Rhino's getting growing pains. He's already six feet tall, I mean like, what the heck?????

2. We're learning about 'The Human Reproduction System' in science, plus, the classroom smells like dead fish.

3. A couple of months ago I was cast in a play, and got a lead part, and we're opening ON MONDAY O-O

4. School ends in like 15 days

5. My aunt came down from Canada (whoop whoop whoop)

6. My mom's getting her master's in education and she graduates on Friday 😆😆😆😆😆 (I'm                            still trying to figure out what dress to wear)

7. We played duck duck goose in PE, and I learned that I'm the youngest in that class, by over a month.

8. We're presenting dialogues in Core, which doesn't make any sense, and I got paired up with a guy version of Lena but he's really really skinny and his face is even redder. 

9. Lena ditched me for a softball game (ugh, the little turd)

10. I went to Pokiland for dinner last night!  😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄

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