Chapter Six: Mind Games

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(I lied when I said it wasn't going to get more dark, Opppsss.)
Third POV.

It's only been a few days after Mikoto's birthday, but if it was even possible, Anna, Izumo, Mikoto and Shōhei grew even closer to the female Totsuka. It was just as if she understood them, everything they felt, she just knew and it made them feel like someone cares, not that the other members don't, but it could get quite frustrating trying to explain how they felt.

Within the span of these few days, two new members joined. Their names were familiar to the 15 year old girl, since they went to the same high school. Actually, they all shared some classes together.

"Fish? Sloth? Is that you?" Everyone sighed at the animal nicknames their beloved Emily gave people. Fushimi Saruhiko clicked his tongue in annoyance, while Yata Misaki blushed, but was still quite upset with his given nickname.

"Well, I'm not surprised to see you here Emily, especially since you're the talk of the city, being HOMRA's new queen and all~" Saruhiko sang, making the blonde glare at him. She loathed that nickname, but everyone now referred her to the 'new queen.' Why? All because of that damn kitten, always stealing her and making it seem like they went on dates.

"Shut up, fish." Despite their rocky relationship, the three were close. Misaki, Saruhiko and Emily spent a lot of time together at lunch on top of the schools roof, avoiding interactions with other students.

"You know these clowns?" Izumo chuckled, surprised the beauty would actually make friends with kids at her school. "Not quite, we hide from our idiot teachers and classmates together, so I wouldn't go as far as saying we are friends." Emily tried pulling it off just as that, but of course Saruhiko had other plans.

"Why I'm so hurt Em, I thought we were closer than that, after all, you did tell us who your little crush was~" Emily looked wide eyed at Saruhiko, a blush rising to her pale skin.

"A-Alright, that's enough of you, goodbye now!" Emily tried pushing the male out of the bar, but was pulled back by Tatara who held a murderous look on his face.

"What. Did. He. Say?" Emily gulped, and nervously giggled. Tatara + Mad = run for your life.

"Well.. BYE NOW!" Emily ran out of the bar, leaving a confused Anna and Yata behind, as she dragged the traitor by his wrist. "TRAITOR!" Emily yelled, while running in the opposite direction of the said bar.

Once the two were out of breath, and a safe distance away from any clansmen of HOMRA, they stopped running. "I-I can't believe you said that.. In front if my brother, Izumo AND Mikoto.. Do you realize how protected they are of me?" Emily sighed, playing with the ends of her hair.

Saruhiko just chuckled, and sat at the bench under a cherry tree. "I thought you would've confessed your undying love- Em-il-y ~" If there was one person that could piss her off, it would be Saruhiko.

Once the two were done hiding out, they walked back to the bar in silence. Saruhiko opened the door for Emily, who looked around for Mikoto, somehow feeling he was having mixed emotions right now.

Without questioning where he was, she walked up the stairs two at a time. "Wait, Emily, you don't want to go up-" but it was too late, she saw everything.

She saw Mikoto, in bed with a random woman, both half naked as they stared at each other with lust. The woman squealed, noticing the younger girl who barged into the room, unannounced.

"S-sorry.." Emily wouldn't let him see her cry, she refused to let him see her this weak, just because she saw him lusting over a woman, she wasn't his and he wasn't hers, but it didn't stop the feeling of pain pounding in her chest every time she breathed.

Emily walked down the noisy stairs, and ignored everyone's gaze. "Emily." That voice made her freeze, just as she was about to walk out the doors. The girl didn't- no couldn't turn around.

"W-what.. Look, I'm not in the mood Mikoto, so just hurry up please.." Emily's voice was weak, and the fact that she called him Mikoto, and not kitten got the attention of everyone.

"Don't go." Emily turned around, and saw the woman by the stairs, watching, in Mikoto's shirt.

Emily didn't have any words, she couldn't bare the thought of him being with another woman, despite the two not actually being together.

"I hope you're happy.. Truly happy, I mean, not that sarcastic bullshit girls say when they find out their boyfriend cheated on them.. Because I only want the best for my special person." Emily smiled, and walked out of the warm bar of HOMRA, not to be seen by anyone besides two people in the clan.

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