02 | Queen Mansion

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“Do you want me to come with you?”

The Queen Mansion stood tall in front of our black car, appearing more daunting than ever with the heavy news over Starling City. The sun was shining brightly down upon the mansion as if there was nothing wrong with today and it was just another normal day. A place that once felt like a second home, quickly became a place I dreaded stepping a foot back into.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and twisted my body around until my legs were out of the car. “No, it’s okay.” I weakly smiled at my brother, Tommy. “I’ll be quick.”

He didn’t respond as I climbed the rest of the way out of the car, nodding my head in gratitude at our driver for opening my door. My hands smoothed out my black dress. I swallowed the growing lump in my throat before I began my way to the front door. Despite walking in heels quite often, my legs were shaky, nearly too unstable for me to reach the doorstep and ring the doorbell.

Any other time before this week, I would have walked right into Queen Mansion, instead of ringing the doorbell, but under these new circumstances, I no longer felt so welcomed here. The doorbell echoed throughout the household.

The door swung open after a minute or two, revealing Moira Queen, dressed in her own black dress. “Hensley?” Her brow furrowed at my random appearance on her doorstep. Moira’s eyes were red and puffy. “I didn’t expect to see you here. I thought you would be heading to the…” Her lips pressed together as she said, “Funeral.”

“Um, we are.” I gestured over my shoulder to the black car in her driveway. I pushed a dark brown strand of hair out of my eyes, nervously. “I just wanted to come by real quick and check if I left my necklace here. It’s been missing for a while and, um, this is the only place I haven’t checked.”

Moira nodded her head, understanding. “Oh, of course.” She opened the door a little wider.

I hesitated before I stepped inside of the mansion. The last time I was here, Tommy and I were meeting up with Oliver to go out for the night. We agreed to travel in one car, knowing it would be a long night and we only needed one driver. Back then, everything was okay. No one was missing. No one was dead.

Queen Mansion felt empty now. The large building no longer filled with Oliver’s loud voice when he chose to start a conversation from the second floor and you were on the first. I never thought this would happen to him.

Thea Queen hurried down the stairs in a lace, black dress. “Okay, I’m ready.” Her head snapped up when she saw me standing in the foyer of her house. “Oh, Hensley. What are you doing here?” She tilted her head to the side, surprised.

“I lost the necklace that belonged to my mom that I always wear. I just wanted to check Ol--” His name got stuck in my throat. A pang of hurt flashed through my body. I hadn’t actually said his name since Starling City found out about the unfortunate boat accident.

The accident that put a heavy, dark cloud over Starling City and the people who lived there. The Queen Family was well-known in this city, meaning there was no one here that didn't feel saddened by the news of Robert and Oliver Queen's death, along with Sara Lance's. The city was mourning, especially considering today was the funeral for Robert and Oliver.

Thea’s eyes lowered to the ground. “Oh.”

Moira cleared her throat. Her arm flew out to usher Thea out of the house, once I stepped out of her way. "Well, we were just on our way out, but feel free to check his bedroom."

I nodded once. "Thank you." The weight of an apology laid on my tongue, yet I couldn't bring myself to utter the words.

"We'll see you there then." Thea sniffled. Her eyes were slowly growing teary.

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