My Awkward Love

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A/N Sorry for any werid errors. Wattpad is being weird. This was written forever ago while I was at a friends house and she was talking to either her boyfriend or someone she was flirting with at the time. I don't remember. Please don't judge me to much for it, I was young (well, young-er than I am now) and stupid. I shook my head while re-reading this.

All of my life I've known you

At first you never crossed my mind.

Till one sunny day, near the beginning of my memory.

I was six, you seven. You had matched my definition of Prince Charming.

I watched from a distance all day while I was chillin' with your sis.

I got a picture of you.

Later we became friends. My feelings for you grew.

A while later I was walking with your sis; she said you were taken.

My first heartbreak.

My feelings for you started to fade.

Now I'm fifteen and a half, you're 16.

I'm just not sure what I feel about anyone anymore.

You randomly cross my mind.

I barely see you anymore 'cuz you have a job, or you don't come with your family.

And when you do

we rarely talk.

What happened?

We can't even be friends anymore?

There's one more thing you need to know.

I would much rather awkwardly hang out with you, than be comfortable with your and my sisters.

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