Band vs. Choir

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A/N so, I wrote this... in December 2013 I think. I was in a car with friends and we were heading back home after watching a movie. Well the band vs. choir argument came up.... So this is what I feel about that. This was written when I finally got 'Scoobs' to shut up. All names are changed.

I do NOT want to start any arguments by posting this. If you think band is better than choir, stop reading right now. If you think choir is better than band, stop reading right now. Feel like posting your comment about one or the other? Don't. Only comment if you have something positive about both band and choir. I will hear nothing else.

I make it sound like I think choir is better, I don't. I respect all of the band members in my school and I just wish they would do the same for choir kids. I'm also not saying that every band is like this. This is just what it is in my school, or at least my point of view on the matter... There is a huge rivalry between the band and choir and well, its been going on ever since I can remember... :(

I am getting so tired of the band vs. choir crap. I've mostly stopped bickering with them. I defend choir. But that's just it. The choir kids seem more reasonable than the band kids. The choir kids are more relaxed about all of it while the band is stubborn and will not let it drop. They think they are better than everyone. Choir. Cheer leading. Color guard. If it starts with a "c" they pretty much hate it. They always think that band is harder. Because they have to do this and that. They don't even consider what the choir does. Then when they are challenged to be in choir, they refuse. Are they scared? I mean, whats so hard about singing right? That's what they think but then they don't try. Its awful and annoying and I hate it. It almost instantly makes me mad. And they don't stop to the point where I get so mad that I'm about to cry. They don't care. It stinks. Yes, we cant just join band. So what? Even Keith, who thought that choir would be easy, has trouble finding his notes. All of the time, yet he still thinks that band is harder. Jade is the one person keeping me sane. She stays out of arguments, or defends both sides. Uggggg. Scoobs has way to big of a head. He needs to calm down and stop thinking that he is better than choir kids. Cause he's not. He is almost worse than choir kids because he thinks he's better. Its making me really mad. The worse part is that I cant look at the stars and moon tonight, because its foggy. UGGGGGGGHH!!!

A/N The whole stars and moon reference above is because seeing the open night sky calms me down and makes everything better. But its been foggy for what feels like forever now... (even though its been just slightly over a month) :(

I'm 17... When Did That Happen!?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora