The Horan.

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After the quick  visit to the gym I grabbed my dark green jacket and headed for the secretary:

- Hi Lauren, I’d like to schedual another yoga class for next week, please. – I say with a smile.

- If you keep doing yoga like that, you’ll end up with a better body than Megan Fox! - says Lauren with her sweet eyes and brown curly hair flowing down her shoulders.

- well that’s the idea… - I laugh at Lauren. – bye Lauren, have a nice day!

- Hey wait! – lauren half screamed – I heard that Niall Horan is back in New York!

-  REALLY? I did not know about that! The heavens are making their magic! – I giggle – I have to go look for him tomorrow!

- You do that honey, bye! – says Lauren waving at me. She has the perfect sized breasts, unlike me. Mine are too small, but I'm hoping they'll grow up in time.

I follow down the street with a happy smile on my face.

"So you're in New York, hun?", I talk to myself. I keep thinking about what would I say if I really met Niall Horan. What DO you say, when you meet the only think that can make your dead heart feel a tiny shadow of light?

I inspect my clothes to see if they're Niall-Horan-Approval: I'm wearing my favorite dark green coat. It's all (fake) leopard fur inside, which is great for the New York winter. Some yoga pants and an old black top that I wear when I go to the gym.

It's not a royalty dress, but I don't think I'd look better in one...

Out of the sudden, it starts rainning and my hair is fastly ruined.

I walk a few blocks and the rain starts falling ridiculously strong, so I immediatly look for a safe shelter.

The rain is now so strong and agressive, that I can't even see two feet ahead.

With such amount of rain, it was understandably my lack of attention to that blond beauty who ran towards me.

But when I finally look up, my whole body shakes at the vision. Niall Horan is running in my direction. (eheh "direction").

While he keeps running I am unable to move. I just stop there, in the middle of the street, under the rain. My hair is dripping all over the ground and my hands are getting cold, but I don't feel anything. I'm just washed away by the sight of that man.

He notices me and stops for a few minutes. He just stands there, marveling me.

Is this God kidding with me ? Is this truth?!

I think to myself.

My blue eyes stare at his for a long time under the rain. We're both still. And finally I have the guts to wave and smile. He grins at me and waves back. Then I decide to put all my fears away and do something I never thought of doing: I open my arms as if asking if I could hug him.

Like this? Out of nowhere you just ask him to hug you? what the hell?

I think to myself as I regret my actions.

But he releases a laugh with a glow that crosses throught the rain and goes directly into my vains. And he nods at me.

I walk the few meters that were between the two of us and hug him before he could even have a reaction. I could feel him slightly breathing in my flower shapoo from my short dark brown hair and my deep seductive perfume from my neck. I could be better though. I'm never good enough.

"Uau you really are a good hugger!", I say after the long hug.

"You two.", he says and then blushes violently. I let a little smile escape my lips when I notice that. Just his voice makes chills run up and down my spine. But I do not believe I'm in love. What is love, really?

"Can I just say you’re breathtakingly handsome in person?", I continue. There's nothing wrong with a little flirt!

He blows it. He starts smiling, blushing, looking at the ground and contorcing his neck so he can avoid eye contact.

"Thanks.", he can barely say it.

"Look I hate to fangirl in front of you but:  can I take a picture with you, like, kissing your cheek…?", I say nervously. I mean, It is very possible that I will never see him again, might as well try my luck!

"Oh.. yeah of course!", he says with an intense irish accent.

He leans next to me and I softly kiss his cheek while holding my phone in front of us.

"Did you took it?", he asks.

"I don’t know…", I smirk at him. He smiles embarassed. He knows exactly what I meant. "Who cares?", I make a seductive look and he smiles at me.

"Look I hate to do this, but I'm actually late for a lunch so… hum… It was very nice meeting you.", he says as he begins to walk away. The rain had stopped already, and before I could even think about it, I say:

"Wait! Let me give you my phone number!", I couldn’t believe those words were coming out of my mouth. I fastly stop myself from continueing the sentence and put my hands over my mouth. He makes a big smiled and says:

"Ok!", he can’t stop smiling. But I'm to horrified with what I just said to even notice that.

"I’m sorry, I know I’m just a fan but… Oh God I don’t know what got into me!", I start excusing myself.

"But I said okay..", he gently says handing over his phone to me.

I can't move. I can't remember my phone number. I panic for no reason and my hands get sweaty. Everything is moving in slow motion and the whole city becomes silent.


I try to control my breathing, calming myself down.

Remember, play it cool! You can't fangirl, you CAN'T FANGIRL!

I take the phone  in my fragil hands and just stare at the visor.

"hum there’s a code.", I start laughing hysterically. All my nerves are going out through that laugh. I hope he doesn't notice that. And fortunately for me, he starts laughing too. My body relaxes and I feel the awkwardness slowly fading.

Yes, everything was going smoothly now.

"Sorry", he continues. "it’s 2203." he says. I enter the combination while wondering what could it mean. I save my number with the name "Awkward random girl", cause honestly that's what I thought he was getting from me. How I was wrong...

I hand it over back to him.

"Well bye, I guess…", I smile. I smiled so hard that he see almost my every theet. I got to know later, that he found it very cute of me.

"Bye!", he smiles and waves as he continues on its way. "I’ll call ya then!"


With his words still traveling through my mind at a blinding speed, I continue my walk.

When I turn around the corner, I come across Niall meeting his friend at a coffee shop. I quickly hide behind the bushes. One encounter with Niall Horan was enough, for atleast today. The thing is: I behaved myself so averagely good at the first one, that I didn't want to screw up now (Like I screw up at everything else).

I can see him energeticaly waving at his friend with a big stupid smile on his face.

"Hey dude! So good to see ya’! You won’t believe what happend today…", he starts. "I think I found the one.", he ends.

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