Prolouge :The Call

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Sang's P.O.V

              I danced around the kitchen baking as my blonde hair flew around from its ponytail. I smiled at the picture of my husband one the kitchen counter. God, I miss Benji. Benji, my husband is a marine and I am damn proud of him. A proud smile filtered on my face as I kept looking at the picture.

               I remember taking this picture of him for my Photography portfolio

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               I remember taking this picture of him for my Photography portfolio. He was happy enough to pose for me, of course I owed him many kisses for taking his pictures. I caressed his face and wished he was here with me. My heart cried out for my husband, my Benji. I sighed and looked away from the picture and took the cake out of the oven. My pink slipper socks let me slide across the kitchen floor. I got to the oven just as the timer went off. I placed oven mitts on my hands and opened the oven door, pulling the cake out. My phone went off from where it was by the microwave. I slid towards it and picked it up answering with a smile.

        "Hello, Mrs. Sang Sorenson speaking." My voice was cheerful and chirpy.

        "Mrs. Sorenson this is General McClamment. I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. Your husband Benjeman Sorenson was killed in action today. His troop is headed down to where you are to give you his tags and other belongings. We thank your husband for his service. He was a great man, friend, comrade, brother, and a soldier. You should be proud."

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