Chapter 1

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Tony rolled out of his and Steve's shared bed and padded into the kitchen, dreading the day that followed. The entire team- including Fury, Coulson, and Loki- were going camping. Which is a terrible idea on it's own because to Tony Stark's dismay, there is hardly ever wifi and much less a place for privacy. Steve was already awake and disturbingly cheery.

"Morning. Coffee?" Steve offered his lover a cup and Tony took it greedily. He gulped it down to find that Steve already had another cup waiting which Tony took hold of gingerly. Steve smiled and poured another cup, even though Tony was taking his time with this one. "You gonna be ready soon? Fury wants us to leave in an hour."

"That's insane. The whole idea is horse crap." Tony said rubbing his sleep coated eyes and looking at his partner.

"Well, I'm ready and gonna head down and see if they need help." Steve kissed the top of Tony's head and left the apartment, two suitcases in tow, one for himself and one for Tony.

Downstairs Coulson had packed the van they'd rented. It seated the 9 that were attending... respectively. Somebody had to sit in the back with the equipment. At least by his calculation someone did.

"Need some help?" Steve called out seeing the agent. He happily waltzed up to the van and saw what was packed, "That's a lot just for a night of camping." He joked seeing the back stuffed to the brim with bags and tents.

"Well somebody is gonna have to sit back here." Coulson answered slamming the trunk closed after taking Steve and Tony's suitcases and looking at the super soldier.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure Tasha will gladly take her seat on Barton's lap, so I don't believe seating is a problem," Steve smirked and shoved his hands into his jean pockets.

"Have you seen any of the others? We're leaving in 45 minutes," Phil asked pulling a cell phone from his pocket.

"Just Tony, but I'll go find them for you." Steve left Coulson who removed his phone from his pocket to try and see if he could get anyone on the phone.

A few minutes later, Clint and Natasha came out, holding hands, both looking more tired than the other. "Let's get this over with." Clint muttered, his sunglasses covering his blood-shot eyes. He crawled into the very back, and Phil explained the situation to Natasha, who without a word slid onto her boyfriends lap before buckling them in.

Not long after, out came Bruce with a small tote. He smiled and greeted the bosses and crawled in beside the two lovers, suddenly regretting getting there so soon. Moments later, out emerged Thor with brother Loki in tow. Loki was telling Thor something that Phil couldn't really understand.

Loki left Thor to put up their bags before snagging a seat behind Bruce. While Thor claimed the window seat eagerly beside Bruce holding 2 extremely large boxes of poptarts on his lap.

"You're not bringing those." Fury said sneaking up to Thor who had been smiling happily but now had a miniature look of horror in his eyes. Phil hadn't noticed Fury come up to the van at all so he jumped just the same as Thor had.

"Yes I am." Thor said grinning and giving the cardboard a loving pat.

"Just put them in the back." Loki chimmed in rubbing his temples. Even for a Norse god 7 AM was too early.

Steve came out of the building next. "Tony is being a brat," Steve explained taking a seat in the middle beside Loki, leaving one more seat for Tony.

"I am not." Tony said appearing and climbing in next, "You just don't understand my logic about how stupid this trip really is."

"Just buckle in and we'll be on our way on this 'stupid trip'." Fury said slamming the door beside Tony and climbing into the drivers seat with a grunt. Clouson slid into shotgun and that's when it all started.

The Avengers (and Loki): The Camping EpisodeWhere stories live. Discover now