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Aubrie's P.O.V.

So we really didnt got into detail of all the sh*t Mariah's minions did. I mean were the big problem in that whole entire beef.

Ok so Mariah's minions consist of at the time around 5 people but I am going to talk about the main person the one the only CHRISTINA! Now this girl started off being my friend she was cool we would have the most fun but her loyalties were with Mariah. I remember saying something and having her go back and change it once she got to her so called friends Desirae and Kaylee . Now I know there are fake people but Jesus girl wasn't even loyal to her own friends she would do the same thing to her "Oh girl Aubrie said this" Oh girl Kaylee said this" i was really just done with her. I mean who has the time for sh*t like that who decides "Today im gonna start some mess" or "Today im gonna be the biggest fake a** b*tch. Only Christina

Kalani P.O.V

Well as you know I don't have drama and Christina was my friend until Mariah got in her head. It's always that one mean girl that can turn anyone against anybody just by telling lies. I was shy and quiet, but this bitch was fake as fuck. We stopped being friends cause Mariah boosted her headup up with so many lies about everybody. I went to Maliyah's sleep over and when I came back to school chick had an attitude. don't get me wrong I love everyone I come in contact with,but Mariah just wanted to be the center of everybody attention.

Aaliyah's P.O.V

In the beginning of 6th grade I was cool with everyone, except for Mariah of course, we had never been cool. I thought everything was going pretty good, I had friends in all my classes. Especially choir, in choir, it was me, Aubrie, Christina, Destiny and some other girls of course. Our teacher called us the 6th grade girls ensemble. Me and Aubrie were cool but soon Destiny started to mix up peoples words, including Mariah's, which was supposedly her friend. Literally every other day Mariah and destiny had an argument in my foreign language class, but then suddenly they were best friends again. I'm not gonna lie, I was so insecure in 6th grade that I let Mariah brain wash me, which caused me to lose my friend Aubrie for a while.. I just wanted to fit in, isn't that what we all want?

                                                                            Serenity P.O.V

So I was never friends or cool with Christina, Mariah or them other fake hoes. I've always been a shy person so I only really talked to my two best friends Aubrie and Anna. If I talked to any of the minions I never started the conversation and it was always something messy. Nothing major really happened to me just a little bruised confidence. I had to watch the way them hoes made me and lots of other people feel. Honestly though stuff only stops getting you down when there are  no more worthless fucks to give about worthless bitches.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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