The begining

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One day I was just walking around and moving furniture... After I was done I went into our empty computer room. I was lying down. Then I sat up to call my Pitbull Kallie, I banged my hand on the carpet to call her and it sounded like a medal door was under the carpet!
I banged my hand on it again, Harder and I yelled,"OUCH!!!!" I knew by that time it was medal... Once my mom got home I told her about my hand and then she took me to my doctor. I was scared now. The doctor said it was a bad thing that my hand needed surgery!! I'm scared!!! He said I needed it in 3 weeks! So we traveled back home (it was 1 hour away). Once we got home I tried to open the door to the house to get into the house and find out about the medal door!
I couldn't, My dad tried and it didn't open!! EVEN MOM DID!!! It didn't open! It felt like someone was holding it from the inside.... I looked through the peep hole from the outside and I found someone!!! IT WAS A-A-A FREAKING R- I got pulled to the inside scared and surprised...

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2017 ⏰

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