Chapter One- Savior

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Flight number 134, departing from JFK, New York and heading towards Heathrow, London. A six hour long flight. I was seated at gate 43 waiting for 6 o’clock flight. My flight to London, the place of my dreams and secretly my second home.

I turned in my seat a couple of times attempting to find a comfortable spot. I was nervous, anxious, and just ultimately excited to go back to London. As I waited at the terminal I cranked my music a bit louder, slightly blasting Savior by Black Veil Brides. One of my many favorite bands. Andy’s voice was so pure and perfect as it poured into my ears. This song was everything that had helped me recover from a bad relapse.

I had been an entire month clean up until last week, where I almost ended it all. I remember the memory so vividly.

I sat on my white tile bathroom floor hugging my knees to my chest, sobbing painfully loud. No one heard me though, my apartment laid empty and my neighbors were on vacation. That day my boyfriend had broken up with me, I had gotten into an arguement with my family, and just everything was looking so dim and bleak. I sat on my bathroom floor with my blade barely two inches away; at some points it just felt as if it was calling out to me saying ‘You know all it takes is one slice, one small little slice to end it all Kathleen. That’s all it would take to make all the pain go away.’ I stared at the blade for a good hour or so before picking it up in my hand, before feeling the cold blade in between my index finger and thumb. I brought it up to my wrist and pressed a point into my skin closing my eyes slowly and breathing deeply. My hands shook slightly, I had wanted to do this. It felt like my only escape, like my only other option. I felt useless, hopeless, and worthless all at once. I had begun to slide the blade against my wrist before faint music played in the background. It was coming from my phone, it was Saviour by Black Veil Brides.

So hear my voice remind you not to bleed, I'm here

My hands trembled harder now, I couldn’t do it to myself. I sat there and slowly brought the blade away from my wrist, crying so painfully hard. I stared at my wrist, the red healing scars that were horizontally drawn on my wrist stung painfully. I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t end it like this. With tears streaming down my face, what would I be able to say I did with my life. If I had ended it all right there it would have been for nothing. No one would weep for me, no one would notice, or even care. I didn’t want to end it that way, by just being another person that ended it all. I wanted there to be someone to care for my disappearance. I usually hate to sound horribly cheesy, but that song had literally saved my life that night and if it wasn’t for it just playing like that I don’t think I would be here right now telling you this.

Now I sat at the terminal with small tears welling up at the corner of my eyes. Totally lost in thought and looking like a loon to other people, but they would never understand. Not many people can understand.

‘May I have your attention please. Flight 134 to Heathrow, London will now be boarding. To ensure a quick and easy boarding we shall be calling rows 25-30 to board first and work our way towards the front of the plane. Your patience is much appreciated.”

I glanced down at my boarding pass; Seat 18F. I knew I was going to be here awhile. Before I knew it the stewardess had called my row and I was anxiously waiting in line to board. I carried only my bookbag because I had checked in my other luggage and I was beginning to get nervous. When I got to the beginning the had scanned my ticket and my passport, after they were done they had told me to have a nice flight and let me pass. I was literally so much closer to being in the place where I had fallen in love with so many other times.

I walked down the long walkways and before I had known it I was being directed by a flight attendant. I walked down the aisle avoiding bumping into anyone and easily found my seat. I had been the first one in the row of four and I actually didn’t mind my seat. I was right next to aisle which was lucky of me seeing as I almost always need to use the bathroom on any flight and hopefully if I was lucky enough I could have a fairly good looking male sitting next to me, but who was I kidding. Things like that only happen in books and movies.

I placed my bag on my seat and scoot into the row so that other people could pass and such. I needed to put my bag in the overhead bin but I was both weak and too short to even really attempt to put it correctly. Curse my horrible genes.

I waited patiently for the person sitting next to me to arrive so that in exchange for passage to their seat they could hopefully be kind and put my bag over head since I needed all the legroom I could get. Again I curse my horrible genes and unproportional limbs.

I stared downward for a few seconds before I heard a voice near me, “Do you need some help?”, a low husky voice said. I turned to see its origin and my mouth gaped open ever so slightly. Standing in front of me was none other than Andy Biersack, lead vocalist of Black Veil Brides. In all honesty if he wasn’t standing in front of me I would have never believed it.

I didn’t say a single word, I just nodded slightly while still looking at him. In front of me stood Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome. His height was overwhelmingly attractive and almost everything about him was pure handsome and sexy. God bless his parents.

He grabbed my bag and without much energy propped it into the overhead bin. I gazed at him still taking everything in, “I, um, thank you.” I said trying to find the exact words to use. My brain had been transformed into utter gush as of now. He looked back at me and smirked slightly, god was he sexy. “You’re welcome, now if I’m correct 18E is my seat, graciously located right next to you.” He said winking slightly at me. I shimmed out of the row and let him pass after he put his luggage away, which wasn’t much now that I think about it. After he seated himself, I sat down in my seat. My hands shaking, out of pure habit I pulled my sleeves over my hands and balled the ends in my palms which already began to become clammy.

I stared at the onboard t.v. screen, glancing ever so often to my left. At one point I noticed Andy looking at me for a moment.

“I haven’t introduced myself yet, my name in Andy. Might I have yours?” He said turning to me and offering his hand.

“My-My name is Kathleen, but you can call me Kat.” I said shaking his hand. He held my hand for a moment behind turning it and bringing my hand to his lips, pecking my skin softly.

“It is a pleasure Ms. Kathleen.” His breath close to my hand and causing my insides to flip. There was just something about him that caused everything in my to shift a turn.

“Likewise.” I said shyly. How would I be able to cope from something so sweet like that? And I had to be on a flight with him next to me for six hours, hell yes!

“Were you always this beautiful?” He asked looking at me. Okay that was probably the last straw. I was going to die of heart failure if I was going to be on a flight with him.

“Is this your way of flirting with me?” I asked without realizing it. What the hell just came out of my mouth just now?

“Depends, is it working?” He asked cocking an eyebrow.

I smiled softly, “Keep it up, because it is definitely working.” I said leaning in close to him.

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