Chapter 26: Destination Unknown

Start from the beginning

  Felix says,  "I could understand a few coming after us.  After all, a chalice is a tasty meal and all,  but this....  this is crazy."

  "Oh, it gets better, " Dwyer continues sarcastically.  "There is a BOLO out on Selene.  They are actively searching for her in particular. "  

  I tense and gasp.  Aiden growls,  and Kenji pulls me into his lap,  his grip unrelenting.   Felix is no longer sitting, but is now pacing.  I look over at Owen.  His hands are in fists , but he still commands,  "Calm down gentlemen." 

   "What do ya think they be needing her for?" Mr Adams askes and then takes a sip of his coffee. 

  Felix stops his pacing to glare at the man.  "What do you thing they want her for?!  She's a magical endless energy slurpee!"

   Mr Adam's glares back at him, "Don't talk to me like that boy! And use your brain, you idiot!  If that was all they wanted, they wouldn't be working together like this.  It ain't like they're going to share her-  they're too greedy."

  "He's right Felix.  They have a particular purpose in mind.  We need more information. We need to know their end goal,"  Owen states matter of factly.   "We will need to warn The Academy , and we will need to arrange for more protection for Miss Selene."

 Dwyer clears his throat.  "See,  it gets more complicated, actually..."  The guys all focus their attention back on Dwyer.  I am trying to pay attention, but I am just too anxious to focus completely.  Kenji's grip on me tightens even more.  He might even leave a bruise or too, but I don't care.  His firm grip is the only thing anchoring me at the moment. 

 Dwyer continues, "The vision was more or less the normal kind of thing...  It's what happened after that , that has me kind of freaked.  Things got ......  weird.  I was pulled out of the vision and into, well, ... nothing."    I can see the shiver that runs through his body at the memory.   "There was a voice, but not a voice.   That doesn't make sense, I know,  but I don't know how else to say it. It told me to keep Selene a secret. It then followed up with 'the Academy can't be trusted' and 'keep her safe'."  

   "What do you mean The Academy can't be trusted!  And who the fuck is telling you this anyway!?"  Aiden yells as he jumps up from the couch.  I shrink closer into Kenji and bury my face into his chest. 

  I hear Dwyer sigh heavily,  " Dude, I don't know who it is in my head.  I just know that I don't want to ever experience that again.  It was terrifying man.  I am also not going to take this lightly.  I don't know how I know this,  but I know that if I don't listen, bad things are going to happen.   I am not taking that chance." 

  A tense silence fills the room.   I feel Dywer approach Kenji and me.  Kenji releases me and Dwyer pulls me off of Kenji's lap and into his arms.  The sudden movements has me falling into his embrace and my hands clutch at his arms that are now wrapped around me like a vice. 

  " I will take her and we will disappear if needed," he says harshly to the room.  We are both trembling.  Dwyer is scared. I can feel it in his body, hear it in his voice.  The tension in the room at this moment is enough to almost make me puke.  

  " I didn't mean...  Fuck!  I believe you man!  I didn't mean to make it sound like I don't -  just..  Fuck!  The Academy's been compromised?!    Don't take her  ok...   just... shit!"  I have never heard Aiden sound so desperate.  It was something I never wanted to hear again. 

    "Dwyer, there will be no need for that.  We work for The Academy, but we are a family first.  We are in this together."  The relief Owen's words give me is unreal. I can feel Dwyer relax slightly as well.   I would never forgive myself if I was the reason they fought.  They have all become so important to me in such a short period of time. 

  "For now gentlemen,  we assume that head quarters has been compromised.  Mr. Adams, I hope we can count on you to keep Miss Selene a secret?" 

  "Of course Owen!  I don't want any of you to get hurt.  Besides, I am retired, " Mr. Adams grunts.  "In fact, as soon as you all leave-  which I hope is soon, no offense and all-  I am going on vacation.  To an undisclosed location, far away from all of you, and that loud bird.  I'm too old for this shit."   He mumbles that last bit more to himself. 

  " I am sorry for all the trouble Mr. Adams, " I say quietly. 

  " Nonsense!  Not your fault angel.  Been needing to get a way for a while anyway," he says, giving me a wink before walking out of the room.  

  As soon as he is gone, Owen starts giving out orders.  " Kenji, contact HQ and let them know that we have reason to believe they may be a target and to act accordingly.   Of course, make no mention of Miss Selene , and tell them we are following a lead of our own. Leave it at that. "  Kenji nods as he stands.  "The rest of you, get us ready to leave.  I want to be on our way in about 20 minutes. "  

  "Where are we going now?" I ask timidly. 

  I watch as his millimeter smile makes an appearance. Instead of answering,  he asks me a question.  

  "Where do you want to vacation at Miss Selene?" 

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