😷You are Sick💊

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You have just started to notice symptoms of the flu today. You were getting extreme chills and a cough. Your stomach had felt uncomfortable the entire morning. You feel weak and slightly dizzy with a headache. You hear the soft voice of Kit speak through the small window, "(Y/N)" he whispers. You look up slightly, you are too tired to move much, you let out another cough and quietly say. "Kit?", and place your head back on the pillow. "Are you alright?" he asks, concerned. You can barely speak, "I think I have the flu, I'm cold and dizzy, my stomach hurts really bad". You can hear loud footsteps coming from the hallway, Kit runs back into his room, the two of you already get into enough trouble. You feel a huge wave of painful nausea pass over you, and you groan loudly in pain. A nurse stops in front of your window and asks if everything is alright. Before you can respond, you feel the watery sensation in the back of your throat and you vomit over the bedside. You feel relieved of the nauseating pain you had before. The nurse opens the door and says to you, "Why don't you head over to the common room while I get this mess cleaned up". You nod and slowly get up, your head is still slightly spinning and you have the chills, but it will be fine once you sit down again. You are halfway down the hall and you see Kit run up to you. "Hey (Y/N), are you feeling better?" you nod your head, "Yeah I just puked my insides out so now my stomach feels relieved. I still have chills and a small headache though." you say and let out a few coughs. "Kit, you shouldn't be near me, I don't want you to get sick too" you tell him, as you enter the common room. "Don't worry about me, besides, I have my flu shot anyways", Kit says while giving you a smile. You both settle down on a couch and you rest your feet on the table. 


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