Chapter Three

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Hoodies POV
Maybe I should ask about the problem. Something must be wrong...
"Yes Hoodie?"
"Is something wrong?"
"What do you mean?"
I sighed. "You've been kinda grumpy lately. Is it your Father?" I asked. She shook her head.
"Is it us?"
Silence followed. "No hoodie. Its not us. I want to run away." Her answer shocked me.
"Run away?"
"Yes. With you. I want to run away and live a normal life. I want to start a family. Let the children go to school. I want to be with you till the day I grow old." She spoke as we walked.
"We can do that cupcake." I told her. This is amazing. I've waited forever for those words.
"No we can't. Slenderman won't let me. Won't let you." She spoke sadly.
"We will live in the city. No where near trees. He won't come out in the open." I told her. "It won't work. Night time." She shut down that idea. "Then we will move to fucking America!" I yelled. I wanted this badly. Too badly. "He will always find us Hoodie! No matter where we go. He'll kill you. I-i can't see that happen." She stopped. "We'll find a way." I told her. I tried to hug her but she pushed me away. "You don't care do you! If you die I will die. I'll kill myself!" She screamed. I widened my eyes behind my mask. "Cupc-"
"I agree with Darkness. You can't move. Or I'll find you." We turned and there Jane was. I turned to Darkness to find her growing taller. She grew wider. She grew 7,8,9,10,14,about 17 feet tall. Taller then Slenderman. Taller than Zalgo. Jane looked frightened. Very frightened. Jane tried to walk away backwards slowly. I grabbed my machete and threw it slicing her leg a little causing her to fall. Darkness then grabbed all her limbs with one tentacle each. Jane started to scream as her limbs were slowly pulled apart.
Then blood sprayed everywhere. Darkness shrunk back down and dropped the limbs except for one. The head was in one tentacle. "Let's go." She said grabbing my arm and teleported to the mansion.

Jeff's POV
What's taking them so long? My future wife is dying. I was going to propose tonight. We were going to leave the mansion and move to America. We would go to Texas and get a yellow creme house with a white picket fence. We would have a family. I would be happy.
Darkness walked inside with hoodie. Darkness threw something hard in bag. I opened it and smiled. It was Jane's head. Dismembered from her body. God its good to know she is gone.
"Any word on the cure?" I asked her. She shook her head. I sighed at put my head on Shadows hospital bed. Our hands were in intertwined. Darkness put a hand on my shoulder.
Suddenly the heart monitor started beating wildly. I looked up. Darkness ran to Shadow and started to inject a serum into her vain when the glass exploded and the needle flew out of her arm. Darkness fell to the floor and my heart stopped when the heart monitor flat lined. "Darkness." I spoke quietly. She stood and started to do CPR. "Darkness!" I screamed as I fell to the floor. I started to cry. Flat line meant dead. Shadow was dead. My baby was dead. My lover was dead. Everything went silent. "She's dead." Darkness said and cried harder. I scooted to the corner. I started to rock myself as I cried. She can't be gone. She can't be. Right then Missy ran in with Masky. "We have it!" She yelled. "Your too late Missy. She's dead." Darkness said. Missy dropped. Masky comforted her. Darkness sat beside me and hugged me. I clutched onto her. She didn't know the pain but it was comforting. Hoodie walked out of the room.

Ivory POV
I walked in the mansion. Damn that mission took longer then I thought. I heard noise in the medical bay. Probably Ben again. Shadow keeps throwing him in the pool. I swear she is crazier then me. I walked though to see Jeff crying with Darkness comforting him,Missy on the ground with Masky comforting her,and Shadow dead on the hospital bed. Wait what! I looked at the hospital bed again and Shadow was indeed dead. My friend since killing kindergarten was dead. No. No. No! No!!!!
I fell on her and cried my heart out.
My friend.
My life.
My rock.
Was dead. . .

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