They Don't Know

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I'm just a stupid kid

Can't do math

Failing all my classes

Why should I even wear my glasses

I don't deserve the live I've been given

My friends are happy without me

They'll be just fine

I'm nothing to them

They're smart

They can handle life

I'm breaking down in front of them

And they can't even tell

Things would be better if I just leave

If I could just disappear

Never be seen again

It would all be ok

They'd all get along well

I tear them apart

I tear myself apart

I'm an animal

A monster

It's eating me alive

And they can't even tell

All I do is hurt others

I shouldn't be here

I try to cry for their help

But they just turn a deaf ear

So they can say they didn't hear

The guilt i feel stabs at my heart

It smashes it to pieces

I sit here and cry

I cry so much

And they never see, hear

They never care

That I'm broken while they sit

high on their throne

So high they can't see

They can't hear

They can't feel

They don't know a thing that I'm going through

And it hurts

So bad

I just might end it all

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