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When the tempests begin to swirl,
and the unsettling winds start to blow,
my steady course becomes altered,
until floating adrift is how I go.

My heart is deaf to the song of Sirens,
my soul does not chase after their lure,
nor can the currents sway me with push,
for all these lack what I know to be sure.

My Keeper keeps me from the depths,
from fathoms sounding too deep and dark.
My true Beloved tugs upon our tether,
to clear my way with an enduring hark.

With sails full and bowed with breath,
and a keel freed from murky mire,
I'm able to find my way once again,
towards the blue skies of my heart's desire.

Reflections and ShadowsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora