Sullen Depths

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Within my waking mind do jaded thoughts begin to churn,
while elsewhere inside feelings swell into words left unsaid.
Remnants of dreams crash down like shattered shards,
and upon my fragile hopes the burden of Fate does tread.

Lashing out against yesterday only wounds the present,
and missteps pondered fan this clash of smoldering voices.
Every pumping beat reveals the pain of joy through absence,
reminding always of the bonds reality brings by choices.

Daily revolutions press on to forge the journey ahead,
though a steep path brings me both closer and further away.
Memories felt travel as companions who constantly prod,
and with the strings of my yearning they endlessly strum away.

Sullen depths become shallow with the rise of fond chords,
ushering in a clearing view which hazy clouds taunted as lost.
Reclaimed from vexing clutches all around is my center,
and no more are the doubts which pester with the yield of cost.

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