Ch-2 The pond

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And this dedication is because abdofRahman is the first to comment and vote on my works and also because i love her beautiful book "Sunnah is my style" along with it's title.


I sat on the stairs of the pond in my university campus with some ice wrapped in a plastic bag, which the canteen guy gave me from his freezer, pressed against the back of my head, under my hijab. It was a beautiful place, there were a badelynge of ducks on the pond paddling together and in one corner of the pond was a big parrot tree with its branches bent over that corner of the pond which also led to the Botanical garden of the university. It was March and the flowers of the tree had already bloomed, they were a flaming orange that could be spotted from miles away among other greens, no wonder the tree was called “the flame of the forest” and the flowers were all over the surface of the water. Behind and around that tree were many other trees of the Botanical garden, each of a different kind and they rose up in such a way that when you viewed it from far and a wider angle, the trees would look like a large green parrot and the parrot tree forming its orange beak dipped into the pond. It looked like as if the whole pond was the parrot’s possession and the first time I discovered this beauty last March, I just had to name it “The Parrot’s Pond”. It was simply beautiful and enough to tune out my headache.

“15 minutes early? Are you like serious? Leaving half the paper blank is not who you are so you certainly nailed the exam didn’t you?!” Laiba shouted as I turned around to see her jumping down the stairs to me. “When do I not nail it according to you?” I joked.

“Seriously for a second I thought they had given us the M.Sc exam paper instead of our Honors one! The questions wer…….Nameera what’s that you’re holding? Did you get hurt? OMG how? When did this happen?” Laiba exclaimed, “Oh God, calm down and sit will you? It was just a slight hit and it happened on the way before the exam….yeah it hurts a little more than little, that’s why I just scribbled on the paper and got out as fast as I could.”

“But that means it happened so long back, why would it hurt so much still? Let’s go to the medical centre and get it checked, could be an internal injury or internal bleeding and what not, come on let’s go!” Laiba blabbered. She was this kind of a person who would call some heavy rain a cyclone or maybe you could say find a situation where she was being followed by a cat as something like being chased by a tiger. And no that isn’t like making a mountain out of a mole hill, those are people who exaggerate, gossip or gain attention, but this friend I had who thought my simple headache could be an internal bleeding, is someone who had too much adrenaline secreted in a normal situation I guess and someone who would give her heart out to you if you asked for it, not that I would, never.

“Laiba, I swear I am fine, I just need some rest…” I assured her. “Then why do I know already that you’ve been crying?”, she asked.

“I went back for a while and lost myself. When I came back, I cried, because I missed being there.”

“Back to paradise land?” Laiba smiled and asked.

“Yeap…I miss KSA, I miss mom and dad, I miss my sisters and my last horcrux, my little brother” I said as I wiped away the single tear that came out by chance. I had a very hard heart, I hardly let my tears out, I believed that crying was only a way of telling yourself that you gave up and showing others how weak you are. But  I wasn’t weak. In fact when I assess myself on how I lived my life for the last one whole year, I feel like the strongest person ever, like diamond hard and strong.

“So how many horcruxes do you have?” Laiba smirked.

“Well, honestly I didn’t count, because it’s kind of hard to decide who is most important in your life among your relatives and family, but my brother, he is my last horcrux, anything happens to him, I’ll be over.”

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