Chapter 1:The Results...

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I was standing there. Right next to my mother and father. My long white hair was blowing into my eyes. We all watched TV for a while until I got up after all the commercials to check up on my main Pokemon,Blissey. I caught her when I was five and we were best friends for a very long time. But she started to have an incurable sickness. My parents always checked up on her to make sure she will be OK. I'm shaking to find the results of the test.I heard the doctor come to tell my parents the news. I begged for my parents to tell me the results."Honey,the doctor doesn't know what will happen"said my mom,Jessie."All they said is that is we give her good care,that she will be OK"my father,James quoted. My parents sounded not happy or sad,but worried. They kept on telling me that is Blissey does die,then they will find me another Pokemon,Meowth. My parents still have a Meowth, but they tell me that he is getting lonely.

I walked to my room once we got home from the doctor's office. I looked at the pictures that Blissey and I was in. I cried as I looked at them harder. I started to think whether she will live or not. I cried more, tears started to form. I tried thinking happy thoughts but that failed miserably. I grabbed a box full of tissues to keep me from crying a river. My tears went on the picture frame like a raindrop hit the ground."Hey sweetie, what's wrong" my mother said. I didn't respond. All I did was write them a note saying that I'm going to the park to chill and relax for a bit."Just make sure not to run into Ash" my father said. Of course, my parents really hated Ash and his group of friends, while I find them fascinating. They always tell me that Ash isn't a good kid. The only time I met Ash was at the park. It was only Ash and his friend's little sister, Bonnie. I have seen Bonnie and talked to her many times. When I'm sad, I always talk to her to make me feel better.

A/N: This story was made a year ago or so, and I barely have time to edit it with word choices and such, so please don't judge it too much.

A really cringy love story.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum