Chapter 1

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Emma's P.O.V~
I'm woken up by my phone ringing and I groan I'm definitely not a morning person as I grab my phone I check the time 6:55am "seriously this better me important" I say to my self I look at the caller ID 'Mom' ughhh "hey mom" I say sleepily "Emma hey honey I have a question" "yes?" "Are your brining your girlfriend with you over your 4week break?" My mom asked. I straight up forgot I told her I had a girlfriend and who she was. "My uhm girlfriend I don't know if she's able to come I think she might be going to her... somewhere" I said hoping she would buy it "Emma don't hide her from us we really want to meet her. How old did you say she was?" "Ermm 26" "that's not to bad it's only 4years are you ashamed of us em? Is that why we haven't met her yet?" She asked sounding hurt "no mom I'm not ashamed of you I love you all the best family I could ask for! I'll ask her when she's home" I said exasperated. "Yay! Oh my god em. I can't wait to see the ring you bought her!" Mum said happily "ring?" I questioned "yeah you said last week you bought a ring an engagement ring" "oh right yeah I decided it wasn't the one I'm still looking". "Aw okay honey I'll let you go love you bye" "bye mom love you" she hung up and sighed. The truth is I have very strong feeling for my college professor, and I even became her T,A to get close to her we are basically best friends. Well closer than a teacher and student should be. She told me she had feeling for someone but she couldn't be with her because she's not sure the other girl is ready for a relationship and she wouldn't want to be with her because she was nearly twenty five and this girl was younger. It hurt I'm not going to lie I reallllly like her and she won't ever like me but I need a favour from her.
{time laps- miss mills' classroom}
I walk in and sit in the front row the seat directly across from Miss mills. She's working on something on her laptop and I can't help but stare at her. I didn't realise how long I was staring but when I came back to reality she was staring back at me with her bottom lip between her lip. As soon as I noticed I blushed deep red and looked down I heard her giggle a bit I closed my eyes and hit myself for what I was going to do.
As soon as class ended I sat in my seat I got out my phone and went and sat next to her "hello miss swan" "hello Regina" I said with a smirk she playfully glared at me and i giggled she smiled and pointed for me to sit down and I did. "Ms swan how are you looked a bit distracted in class today" she said raising a brow "I'm good Miss mills you?" I asked quietly "I'm good thank you dear" she said with a smile I quickly took out my phone and clicked onto photos and showed her one. One of her in nothing but two tassels and a thong. Her face dropped and tears came to her eyes "oh my god Emma please delete that" she said her voice cracking "I'm sorry but I'll delete this on one condition" I said quietly not looking at her "what I would do anything" "come with me over the four week brake" "why would you want me to go home with you?" "Because I told a lie my mom think I have a girlfriend named Regina mills" "WHAT!!!" She hissed "I'm so so sorry I panicked when she asked who she was and I said the person on my mind I'm really sorry" I said my voice now cracking "your blackmailing me I thought we where friends. Why would you. how could you" she asked as a tear slipped down her cheek "I'm sorry forget I asked look I'll delete the photo I wouldn't have done anything with it anyway I promise I just needed you to come with me but never mind I have to go I'm really sorry miss mills have a great break" I said tears falling down my cheeks I got up out my seat and as I was walking away she grabbed my wrist "miss swan I don't want to lose you as my friend okay. But i am hurt you would even think about blackmailing me. You could have just asked me Emma" she said brushing my tears away. "Miss mills I'm really sorry please forgive me" I asked sadly "of course I will Emma" "Miss mills?" I asked a little more happier "call me Regina. And yes?" "Will you please come with me over the break and pretend to be my girlfriend we can even have rules in place I'll let you make them" I said with a small smile "okay I'll come but. The rules are 5 kisses per day hand holding is only permitted in front of people and I will not be called honey or pookie Bear. Because as I have heard you call your previous girlfriends . Deal?" "Okay I'll call you babe or baby" I say with a smirk "I can live with that when will you pick me up?" "Tomorrow morning at 6:45" "okay goodbye Emma" "goodbye Regina" I stare at her as she walks back to her desk swaying her hips like i'm legit staring at her ass she turns and clears her throat I look up to see her smirking "your staring miss swan" "your teasing Miss mills" I fire back and run out before she could reply on my way to my car I get a text from Regina 'text me the details miss swan x' I hate when she calls me miss swan 'can we drop the miss swan already 🙄xx' and less than a minute later I get a text back '😱 never I know you hate it 😏😘 xx' so I text her back 'your so EVIL your majesty 😏😘xx' 'that was low miss swan🙄 xx' I laughed and got in my car and drove home at about 5:30 I got an idea and text Regina my address and told her if she came and stayed at mine we could learn more about each other and sleep a bit longer she replied instantly saying she's on her way and to text her my address and I did I also asked her to pick up some Chinese on her way and said I'll give her the money. At 6:15 there was a knock on my door I got up and ran to the door forgetting I only have on my thin white vest top and my thongs no bra and no bottoms. I opened the door to see Miss mills waiting impatiently "a Chinese really miss swan" she said with an eye roll I moved aside and let her in "hello to you to Regina" I said and closed the door behind her "where's the Chinese?" I questioned "I didn't get Chinese I brought lasagne" she said with a smirk "ohh that's my fav!" I squealed she giggled when I started jumping up and down spinning around  when all of a sudden she stopped laughing I stopped jumping and looked at her.  She looked flustered she quickly turned around and got out the lasagne when she passed it to me her eyes where almost black she smiled and her eyes traveled down my body and all the way back to my eyes her eyes getting darker and darker she cleared her through and started eating her food and I did the same still wondering what she was flustered about after food and some movies we decided to go to bed I showed her to the quest bedroom she thanked me and gave me a cuddle she had her arms around my waist and her hands slowly got lower and lower as we hugged until her hand was on my ass when she noticed she pulled away and said good night and closed the door then I noticed I wasn't wearing any bottoms How embarrassing I think as I walk to my room which is right next to the guest bedroom I get into bed and instantly fall asleep.
{In the morning}
I'm woken up by the radio playing from the kitchen I look at my alarm 6:55 ughh great she's an early riser I walk quietly to the kitchen to see her singing and dancing to a hips don't lie whilst cooking breakfast I sneak up behind her and whisper in her ear "your amazing at that" "AHHH Emma you scared the shit out of me" she said with a hand on her chest I started laughing "Emma that's not fair you can't watch me sing and dance then sneak up on me one I'm so embarrassed you seen me dancing but you also nearly made me have a heart attack" she said with a pout "aww I'm sorry baby there no need to be embarrassed you where amazing" I said with a smile and she smiled shyly "baby?" She questioned "I was testing it out" I said with an eye roll she giggled "okay babe" she said with a smirk I gave her a playful glare and she laughed. After an amazing breakfast we hit the road learning more and more about each other's past I found out about her amazing dad I would have loved to meet him he sounds so nice and her mom who let Regina do her own thing and accept her when she came out my mom took time to accept me but she did eventually my dad accepted me straight away he said he had a feeling as we pulled up to my mom and dads apartment in storybrooke I looked at Regina she looked so nervous she looked at me and smiled "you okay?" I asked "yeah I'm fine just nervous" I go to turn around but I'm stopped by a hand on my leg I look at her "kiss me" she said through a smile "what?" "Kiss me your mother is hiding behind the wall looking at us suspiciously and if we're going to make it believable you need to kiss me" she said all through a smile trying to look so happy we both leant in and as soon as our lips touched our eyes fluttered closed it started off slow and gentle but then something took over us and the kiss got heated I slid my tongue across her bottom lip asking for access which she granted we fought for dominance and I won it turned into a full blown make-out session we pulled apart for air Regina then climbed onto my lap and straddled me we started kissing me again "do. You. Think. She's. Buying. This." She said in between kisses we pulled away for air again Regina looked over her shoulder "your mom is gone now time to go in" she said I pouted. Damn of course this was part of the act I was pulled out my thought when Regina said "btw that counts as four kisses" she said with a smirk we got out the car and headed up to my mom and dads apartment we knocked on the door and no more than three seconds later the door was opened and I was brought in a hug from my mother "oh Emma baby I missed you so much" my mom said kissing my head and cheeks a lot I heard Regina giggling I pulled away from my mom and took Regina's hand she was being so shy and hid behind me I pulled her in the house "mom dad this is Regina" I said kissing her head she smiled sheepishly "nice to meet you mrs and mr Nolan" she said quietly my mom and dad pulled her into a hug which surprised her but soon went with it "it's nice to meet you to Regina and please call me Mary Margaret and my husband David" my mom said pulling away from the hug "Emma my baby girl" my dad picked me up and spun me around. "I missed you dad" "I missed you to princess" he said putting me down and kissing my head we heard bumping coming down the stairs and me and Regina looked at my mom and dad and they had guilt I'm there eyes we all looked at the stairs and I seen Lilly running down my eyes widen shit this is the last person I needed to see. "Emma my girl!" She screamed and ran to me and kissed me. I quickly pushed her off me and I turned to Regina to see a tear roll down her cheek she took a step back from me "Regina" I said she shook her head and walked towards the door I went to run to stop her but Lilly grabbed my wrist "who the hell is she" she spit knowing Regina was still there getting her coat and bags I replied loud enough for her to hear "she's the love of my life now get your hands off me and if you ever kiss me again you will regret it" I shout and run after Regina who was just walking out the door I get a hold of her hand and twirl her around get her outside the apartment and close the door  "how was my acting skills did I seem hurt?" She asked I think she's forgetting I'm a human lie detector but I play along "yeah you made me feel so bad" "sorry I just thought that it would be weird if I where to just stand there and watch and I think fighting the bitch would have been a bit OTT" she giggled I heard someone behind the door so I whispered in Regina's her when we 'hugged' "there watching us from the peek hole" she pulled back and kissed me passionately I backed her up against the wall slowly moving my hands to her ass grabbing and squeezing it she let out a moan things where getting heated quickly I picked her up still kissing and rested against the wall about 5minutes later I put her down out foreheads touching "that counts as your last kiss. Oh and you get two taken off for tomorrow for grabbing and squeezing my ass" she whispered with a smirk I pouted and kissed her head "come on let's go in and go to bed?" I question she nodded we walked in and ignored my mom and dad and continued walking upstairs we got in the room and put out stuff down then In walked Lilly I rolled my eyes "em can I talk with you?" She asked "first of all my name is Emma. Second of all what you have to say you can say in front of Regina" I say putting my hand around Regina's waist Regina moved closer towards me Lilly sighed gritting her teeth "fine. Emma I miss you I want you back please baby I miss you I'm sorry for what I do-" "your not getting her back. She's mine and I'm hers" Regina said cutting her off and taking a step closer to Lilly   "Excuse me you slut this conversation is between me and Emma." Lilly shouted at Regina "don't call her a slut when your the one who cheated on me multiple times!" I shout at Lilly "well maybe you shouldn't have been such a whore I wouldn't have cheated" she shouted and me I was away to say something back but was stopped when I seen Regina pounce on Lilly and beat the crap out of her I shouted on my dad to help me keep them apart Regina had a burst lip but Lilly had a burst lip nose and a black eye. "Baby you okay?" I asked Regina holding her face she nodded and Lilly ran out the house dad went back downstairs to speak to mom I sat Regina down and cleaned her lip "who would have known Miss mills could be so protective" I said "yes well who knew your ex was such a douche" she replied "me" i said and she playfully glared at me. "Am I a slut?" She asked me "what the hell are you talking about of course your not! Don't listen to her she's jealous because she wants me back but she isn't getting me" I said and hugged her we pulled back and she kissed me it was slow and passionate "I love you em" she said I was taken back "I love you to Gina" I said and kissed her again" after a few minutes she pulled back and looked at the door "sorry about that your mom was watching suspiciously and she acts like that little kiss was the equivalent to porn" she said with an eye roll I laugh I get up and close the bedroom door and lock it and turn to her "what are you doing? Why did you lock the door" she whispered "because if I'm sleeping on the floor we don't want my parents coming in and thinking we are fighting or something" "your not sleeping in the floor" she said I nodded "Emma get in the bed" she said I sighed and got in the other side and she got out "where are you going?" I questioned this time "to sleep on the floor" she said like I'm stupid "I don't think so If one of us is on the floor it's me so get into bed Miss mills"!' She shakes her head "make me" she said with a smirk I shot out of bed and stood straight in front of her leaning closer and closer her breathing hitched and she started leaning in slowly and I moved my head to the side of her head and whispered in her ear "okay" and with that I picked her up and she squealed giggling and wrapping her arms around my neck her boobs nearly in my face damn I think to myself. I put her on the bed and she grabs my hand "just sleep in the bed with me. It's not like anything will happen" she said "okay if you insist" I say playfully and I climbed into bed "Regina?" "Mhm" "do you have feelings for me?" "Yes I do. However it wouldn't be safe we could both get in a lot of trouble and plus I know you don't like me like that" she said with a sigh turning around facing away from me "I do like you Regina a lot but what about the girl you said you had feelings for?" "Well she asked me if I liked her I told her i did she told me she like me to. And even though it could be a dangerous relationship I'm willing to try if she is" I sigh "who is she?" I ask letting my jealousy kick in "I'll give you a clue she was in the room when I told you i had feeling for her" she said through a smirk "but the only people that where there were me and you" I said and she turned around facing me again "you are an idiot swan" she said as she lunged forward and captured my lips in a sweet kiss "Emma your the girl I was talking about" she said shyly I smiled "Regina mills will you be my girlfriend" I ask quietly "yes yes yes!" She said we leant in into the most gentle sweet meaningful kiss. When we pulled away I asked a question "does this mean no rules?" I say with a smirk she nods and I kiss her again "emma I want this to work I don't want this just to be a fling. Please don't leave me. I like you far to much. So much it hurts" she said tears in her eyes "I'm never leaving you Gina I couldn't your amazing I wouldn't ever hurt you if I did I wouldn't be able to live with myself" I said she kissed me again and pulled back "promise" she asks "I promise baby" I say and she snuggles up to me "goodnight Gina" I say and she smiles at her nick name "goodnight em" she said and kissed me one more time before we begin to drift off.

Okay so I think I'm going to focus on this book for a while this is the longest chapter I have written it's over 3400 words I usually can't get passed 1000 but I have big ideas for this. Thank you for reading I'll update as soon as I can. love you all lots ~ Halo😘

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