Chapter 11: REALITY V

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I hope you enjoy my story wahaha hahha... Dami ng nangyari 😂😂.. Please do vote my story and add it to your reading list .. Lav lav ❤️❤️..


***A man machetes the infected's head off***

Bill: Get off your ass and on your feet!



Great Bill is here ... Thank God ... If wala siya I would be dead by now. Nice timing Bill .. Just like old times .. Just like me , Tess and you in Los Angeles.. Haysss ... Ughhhh

That fall hurts.. I can still feel the pain .. Kaasar ... Sana di na ako nasabit dun ah. Haysss tatanga tanga kaseee ..

***Bill leads them out of the garage. More infected lurk nearby and chase***

Bill: Ah, goddammit! Back! Get back!

F: Oh, shit!!! Shitt!

M: Saan?

Bill: Alright -- we'll ah... We'll cut through. C'mon, here! Oh, goddamn.

F: I'm going.

Bill: Where's that goddamn key?

F: Guys -- sa likod!!!

M: Bill, dali na!!

***They barely went inside to hide in a laundromat***

Bill: Don't slow down. This place ain't secure.

M: alright...

***They fight off some infected***

Bill: Alright, come on -- we're almost there. Follow me.

***There's more outside***

M: Oh, shit.

Bill: Goddammit! They're coming from all over! C'mon! They're gettin' through.
Keep going -- this way, through the truck! Alright.

M: Move, Flo! move!

F: I'm going, I'm going! Di ako bingi!

Bill: It's open, c'mon!

***They take refuge in a bar***

All of these running makes me tired haysss.. Well you really memorized these places hmm.. Good for you ... I hope Tess is with me . That you are still the same Bill the way we use to work to ...

F: Pheewww( deep breathe) that was close. Uh...thanks for the heroics and all.

***inabot ang kamay ang offers him a handshake***

F: Uhmm my name is Floorrrr----

***Bill puts handcuffs on her.***

F: Hey, what are you-- Matt?

The fuck is he doing right now ... The fuck..... Come on Bill..

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