Chapter 12

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A/N: Thank you for all the lovely comments and reviews we are receiving, they're really encouraging us to bring this story to you. 

Also I'd like to wish @AgentBelle-97 a huge GOOD LUCK on her finals that start this Saturday! You're gonna ace them!


"Uncle Will!" Sophia's voice made Jay pull back from the stove where he was cooking pancakes. He had finally caved into Sophia's idea of pancakes for breakfast for a couple of days, so that's what he had been doing when their apartment door opened to reveal his brother, Will.

"Princess!" Will greeted with a bright smile. His niece always managed to bring him happiness especially after the double shifts he had been pulling to catch up with his malpractice premiums. Will crouched down his arms open. "Come and give Uncle Will a hug."

Sophia practically bounced over to her uncle who easily and quickly scooped up his niece, another hand tickling her.

"Unc-uncle Will. St-op," Sophia laughed breathlessly. She admired her Uncle Will, in the time he had lived with the father and daughter his bond with Sophia grew more and more each day and for that he had been forever grateful.

"Hey, Will," Jay greeted from the hallway, his body leant against the wall and a hand wrapped securely around his chest, he hadn't been taking the meds his brother had given him, he felt just fine without them, well that's what he told himself anyway.

Will finally stopped tickling the 5-year-old, his smile beamed as he looked to his brother, a sudden frown forming. He hadn't really expected anything else from Jay, he had built a life around his PTSD, though he struggled Will knew that Jay would still not admit pain, whether that be physical or emotional. Right now, he knew, he knew what Jay was doing and he wasn't best pleased.

Before Will could speak a bouncing Sophia jumped from his knee and ran towards the kitchen area. The redheaded doctor managed to pull himself from the floor a stern glare radiating towards his brother.

Jay scoffed. One look. That's all it took for Jay to know what his brother was thinking about. He muttered a morning and moved back into the kitchen area where he continued to make breakfast. Sophia was sat on the floor with her toys and with, surprisingly, little mess. Erin. Jay smiled as he thought of the happiness his partner and now girlfriend brought to his daughter.

"Angel, can you take your toys into your room please?" Jay asked. Jay could have swore he heard a huff from his daughter, his head snapped around quickly to see Sophia still sitting on the floor. "Sophia." His voice held the warning tone he only used when he needed to.

"Muffin, do as your daddy says," Erin said simply as she moved into the kitchen, a basket for washing in hand ready to put in the wash. She had planned to do it last night but after their awkward encounter with Sophia yesterday both parents had been too embarrassed and shocked to do anything. "Come on Soph, I'll help you," Erin added as she placed the basket on the side ready for her to sort through.

With an arm reached out, Erin guided Sophia to her room, an armful of toys in one hand whilst the little Halstead grabbed the rest.

Certain the pair were now out of earshot, Will's head snapped towards Jay.

Jay, already anticipating the words that would come out of his brother's mouth, cut across before Will could even start. "Not now, Will."

"Are you insane? You aren't Martin Riggs, Jay," Will complained, his voice soft to avert any attention from Erin and Sophia. "The meds are to help you."

Jay shook his head, an amused expression trying not to escape as his brother referenced one of their favourite films growing up. Jay always compared himself to Riggs, the hot-headed cop who never cared about himself. Jay often joked that Will was Roger Murtaugh, the retired cop who always complained about Rigg's unruly behaviour. "I'm doing just fine without them."

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