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Hello, my name is inanna reene devinney, i am 17 years old, and i live in a small town in florida with my mom.
  We have lived in the same house for three years by ourselves because my dad left us and we have no idea where he went. It hurts, but it is what it is.
  Anyways, i do school online because i am way too shy to go to public school. I got bullied a lot going, i don't really know why because i have been nice to absolutely everyone and i would never hurt a fly. As I do school throughout the day, my mom has to go to work so I am always home alone during the day.
  Enough talking about me, let's get back to reality. So I was in my kitchen eating my lunch on my computer doing history homework. My lunch consisted of a turkey and cheese sandwich, a green apple cut into slices with peanut butter, and vanilla yogurt. As I was doing my homework and eating, I hear some racket outside. I decided to peek out of the window, and I see a woman and a man carrying boxes into the house my old neighbors moved out of about a month ago.
  Almost immediately after I saw them, I see two identical twins and another short girl. The twins were lowkey very attractive. What am I saying? They were highkey attractive. I decided to sit back down and finish my work. Once I finished my work, I decided to give my mom a call and tell her about the new neighbors. She didn't pick up, so I just continued my work and decided to call her later.

How was the first part??? I decided to make a fanfic about Julian so I hope you enjoy it!!! Please feel free to comment ❤️❤️ love you

Insta: hipslikejara

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