Not Your Fault Pt 5

Start from the beginning

Gaster hesitated as he was about to leave. He quickly swooped down and lay soft kiss to your forehead before striding rapidly from the room.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


When you awoke it was to the sound of birds chirping and the soft morning light draped across your bed. You noticed with slight surprise that you were in your bed.

Gaster must have carried me upstairs.

You slid out of the bed and decided to shower and change into fresh clothes. After changing you made your way downstairs.

The two boys were already awake and were munching on toast. Gaster was also there, he was sipping from a mug of hot coffee while reading the paper.

It's almost like a normal human family... I don't understand why us Humans banished them.

"Good morning, _________~" Papyrus greeted happily from his seat.

"Morning Papyrus," You leaned over and pecked the adorable skeleton on the skull. He giggled happily.

"Morning Sans," You smiled at the older of the two children.

Sans beamed and returned the greeting through pun. Gaster sent a look of exasperation in his sons direction before returning to his paper.

You smiled at Gaster, "Morning Gaster."

The skeleton rather quickly flicked his eyes to yours then back to the paper while firing a mumbled morning. You were surprised by this reaction. Then you noticed something that might explain why the abrupt and awkward exchange.

 Gaster's face was bright purple.

Wait... is he blushing? Why?

You pursed your lips and took a seat beside the skeleton, "So, Gaster. I'm glad we talked last night."

Gaster tensed but nodded, "I am glad we managed to communicate as well."

You raised an eyebrow.

Okay, He's definitely acting stranger then usual

"Hmm, Well I never did thank you for making sure I made it to bed, so thank you," You told him, watching his reaction carefully.

Interestingly Gaster's purple dusting darkened, "I-it was no problematic matter."

Interesting. I wonder~

"It was especially nice when you-" You began. However a gloved hand snapped over your mouth.

"Excuse me, Sons but I must talk privately with ______."

The boys were surprised with the sudden outburst but showed little interest when Gaster led you out of the kitchen.

When he was finally happy with the distance between them and the kitchen he stopped and turned around.

"I apologise for the uncommon behavior that I portrayed last night. It was unprofessional of me... -" Gaster began to ramble.

"Gaster.... I-I don't actually know what happened last night. I just thought you were acting strangely," You told him.

Gaster seemed to deflate, "O-oh."

"However now that I know something did happen I would very much so like to know what," You stated.

Gaster deflated even further, "I... I may or may not have... kissed... your forehead after carrying you to your quarters."

Kissed.... kissed....kissed. OMG KISSED!

A burning sensation began to warm your cheeks.

Gaster looked away in embarrassment and shame.

"Y-you kissed me...?"



"Because... there is something about you that makes me feel... Alive," Gaster answered.

I make him feel alive.

You swallowed, "W-would... would you do it again?"

Gaster still didn't meet your eyes, "Yes."

Without realizing it you stepped forward and wrapped our arms around his neck, "Would... would you do it again right now?"

Gaster finally turned to meet your eyes, "Yes."

He bent downwards and your lips met his soft bone ones.

There was a cackle of magic as the two of you met in the middle.


That's what he had said you made him feel. That exactly how you felt now, kissing the scientist.

Kissing Gaster.

Your heart soared as you hummed into the kiss.

However before it could progress any further there was a cough from behind you.

Gaster opened an eye and glanced behind you before pulling away. You also pulled away and spun around to see two little skeletons watching you. Sans had an amused look on his face while Papyrus stared wide eyed.

"Sorry to interrupt... I think," Sans smirked.

You felt your cheeks burn in embarrassment.

From his side Papyrus's face morphed into excitement, "Does that mean ______ will be our new Mummy!"

Beside you Gaster was the colour of a plum, he was wordlessly gaping at his youngest son.

Sans luckily came to their rescue, "Well first Dad's gotta propose."

Okay maybe not so luckily.

"Ah... Papyrus, I-I mean I'd love to be your Mummy but me and your Daddy have only just..."

Started what Dating? Kissing? Admitting something might be there? God Damnit what am I meant to say

Gaster attempted to come in for the save, "W-we'll see Papyrus."

You felt your heart skip a beat.

We'll see... does that mean he... he might want to try it?

"Why don't you and Sans go upstairs and get ready for the day," Gaster suggested.

Sans took Papyrus's hand and started trudging up the steps, leaving with a quick wink at the two adults, "Sure, we'll leave you two to it."

Cheeky little...

As soon as the two had disappeared into their room Gaster turned back to face you.

"So," You started.

Gaster shuffled awkwardly, "W-would you be willing to d-date a pile of old bones like myself?"

You smiled, "I would be honored."

Gaster smiled, relief evident, as he leaned downwards to place a soft kiss to your cheek.

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