Why did I follow the dog?

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     I had followed the dog for three days. And I had finally decided that if he didn't take me to the destination by today I was leaving him. I nicknamed him Apollo since Apollo is the Greek god of prophecy. Nothing much  happened on the trip to the destination. When I stopped for the night, Apollo stopped but just watched me from a distance. On the fourth day, the day I was about to leave Apollo to go back home. He was still running ahead and barking, so I sighed and continued following him to the unknown destination. He repeated it again and again until he ran up a hill and completely stopped, no barking, nothing.

     He kept his eyes on a big white farmhouse. I walked up to him slowly. He still didn't move. I realized this must be the destination he was looking for. At first I thought he must be wrong, that maybe his owners owned the property, or he just saw a squirrel or something. But I grabbed the collar that I had never noticed Apollo had and went onto the big farmhouse  porch and knocked on the door. I waited a few minutes and was just about to turn around and leave when a man with a thick brown beard in a wheelchair answered the door.

     "Is this your dog?" I asked turning and looking him in the eyes.

     When he saw my eyes he looked startled but quickly composed himself. My eyes had that effect on most people. They are are gold, I am not talking like with only gold flecks but straight gold. My mother once said that I had gotten them from my father. But I was use to getting weird stares and snickers at school and in public so this man's shiver was no surprise.

     "No, but I think you should come in" he replied calmly.

     I live in New York and I could spot a hoodlum or thief in a lineup of people. The man did not strike me as one but there was no way I was walking into the house no way, no how.

      "Umm my parents will want me home for dinner so I must get going." I know this was a lie and that my mom probably wouldn't care if I ran away and never came back but something about this place seemed... off. I had turned to go when the man grabbed my arm and called for someone. I tugged at my arm trying to loosen his grip but nothing was working. Just as I turned to swing at the man as a last resort two boys about my age grabbed my right arm so I couldn't punch him. They both had brown hair and wore a smirk, they looked exactly the same except for one was a bit taller than the other.

     "Let go of me!" I screamed but to no effect.

     The shorter of the two took my left arm from the man and tried to pull me into the house. I fought for all it was worth and managed to kick the shorter one in the knee but they had a tight grip. I thought about using my powers but that had to be my absolute last resort. Soon I got tired of fighting and let them lead me into a room full of children my age and older. One girl had tears quietly streaming down her face.

     "I have to get out of this madhouse." I thought.

     The shorter boy looked me right in my eyes (without shivering) and said "My name is Connor, We don't want to hurt you just hear us out." He begged
     He and who I presume was his brother slowly let go of my arms. It was quiet for a moment and everyone waited to see how I reacted. I looked at Connor who had a goofy smile on his face and punched him square in the jaw. He fell down unconscious so I made a beeline for the front door not regretting anything.

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