Chapter 1

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Hola my readers! Here is the first chapter to A Story "Like" Rapunzel. Enjoy!


              "I'm sorry! Stop," my father kept pounding into my side with his bare fist causing pain to waver its way through my whole body.

                "How could you be sorry? You killed her," he yelled angrily with his drunken breath blowing into my face.

                "How could I? I'm not some magic person that could make a car crash happen! Do I look like an air-bender to you? No," I yelled angrily getting used to the blows oh his fist.

                I lied on my side bringing my two legs up to my chest; tears were being held in my eyes, ones I was not going to let fall. This routine has been happening for the last fifteen years sense the death of my mother. I'm not sure how he believes I caused the accident, how could I?

                "Listen to me," he yelled randomly knocking me out of my thoughts.

                "I am! What do you think I've been doing for the last fifteen years? Dazing off every time you hurt me? Every time you blame me? What have I ever done," I yelled the same thing I always yell every night.

                "You disgust me! I need a drink," he kicked me in the side with the hard end of his tennis-shoes and mumbled something before walking off to the direction of the kitchen.

                I slowly rose myself while keeping my right hand on my side and walked to my room. It was still the same pink room I had many years ago. The only thing that changed was the bed was now a king sized bed with sky blue sheets and covers that were decorated in neon pink polka dots. I lowered myself slowly on it without bothering to switch off the lights. Soon later I fell into a deep sleep.


                "Get up! Get up," the same calling I heard the say my mother passed away rang through my head. Why did Akila do this to me?

                "I told you to stop yelling this," I grumbled angrily into my pillow.

                "But he's gone for an hour today. You have time," she said.

                "Time for what," I asked sleepily.

                "Time for school," I jumped up quickly and ran to my closet simply just grabbing a hoody and sweatpants then pulling them on.

                School was the only thing I looked forward to. Yeah... it was online high school but still it's amazing to me sense I can't have a education according to my father. The payment of it all was free because I was on a scholarship that only Akila and I knew about. How? Well... I kind of lied that Akila was my mother and that we were poor, but no one needs to know about that.

                "Where is the laptop again," I asked.

                "In the usual spot," I thanked her then walked off to the tower.

                It was a quiet area that my father forgot about some time ago. I'm not sure how but he just can't spot the giant thing sticking out of the back of the house. See... he's gone crazy. I walked up the stairs carefully and sighed in happiness when I saw the laptop sitting a pond my desk.

                I walked over to it and sat down on the fluffy blue bean bag chair. On the screen was my first class, math. Ugh... I hate math. It's something I'm just not good at.


                "Okay...," I said confused as my father went on about something totally drunk.

                "Bananas... cats...cows...chicken.... it's a Bacatcochi," he yelled happy with himself.

                We were sitting at the dinner table and my father was beyond drunk. He has two sides when this happens; lunatic and crazy. And right now... he was a lunatic. I like this side better though. I prefer it over him beating me and blaming me for my mother’s death.

                "That's nice father," I commented staring down at my dinner plate that was filled with varieties of meat and a side of smash potatoes.

                "Shut up you bitch," he grumbled throwing what was on his spoon my way. Mash potatoes hit the top of my head then slid off slowly. I took a deep breath and grabbed my napkin wiping it up, trying to keep my cool.

                "May I be excuse," I asked quietly.

                "What," he questioned loudly.

                "May I be excuse," I yelled.

                "Don't yell at me," he stood up and grabbed his plate throwing it at me with all his might. I put my hands up to shield myself, knowing that they would do nothing and gasped in shock when the plate glided, an inch above my head, flying past me and shattering against the wall.

                He stumbled drunkenly over to me and pushed my chair over with his foot. I crumbled to the floor and got up quickly running to I have no idea. I heard his footsteps following behind.

                "Get back here you litter fucker! Now! Or else you’re in for a lot of trouble," he yelled.

                I continued running. What could he do? Ground me? He’s already had done that by not letting me leave.  I came to a stop and ran into the bathroom to my right; locking the door. Banging and threats kept coming from the outside but I didn't budge.

                "You will pay," he mumbled before walking off and one thought came to my head.

                "I hate him."


Yay Arabella got away! :) But you can't hide forever sadly. 

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