[ one ]

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Very first chapter for this story.

I really hope you guys like this story because its my first Michael Clifford story and yeah.

My mom's chickens are dumb. lol

Do you guys have any pets?

I have three dogs; Lucky, Cookie, & Nemo (I used to have four, but Minnie died). Two rabbits; Mila & Pelotita (used to have four but Liz & Gabby Bo died). And I have six chickens; Bobby, Bully, Luke, Cal, Harry, & Brownie.

Anyway, thank you for reading!




[ one. ]

i saw her standing there

Quick A/N-- lowercase is intended, so please don't go on a nervous breakdown, english majors.


If I were prettier, a little bit smarter,

If I were special, on a magazine cover,

I'd be brave enough to walk over to you,

and ask you who you are.



dulce maria didn't know she would fall in love when she entered the train that morning.

it was a day like any other, the cold weather of london was something she wasn't used to.

she had lived in madrid all her life, until she got a full scholarship for the university of london and was forced to leave her home country.

she was unaware of her surroundings as the train headed north, towards the place where she studied.

her nose was stuck in an interesting book her mum had sent her in the mail.

maybe it was fate, it was meant to happen, but she looked up when the doors opened on the second stop and there she was met with a pair of green eyes that seemed to have noticed her as well.

she turned away awkwardly, going red in the face immedately.

picking up her book, she pretended to read it.

but this time, the green eyes on a handsome pale faced boy made her heart flutter as he continued to stare at her, as if mesmerized by something.

she smiled to herself.

she hadn't even met him yet, and she could already see he was an interesting boy.

the ripped skinny jeans that hugged his legs tightly, the loose fitting green and black plaid shirt, and his dark hair with interesting purple streaks were appealing to her.

dulce attempted some self-motivation, to get herself to approach him and talk to him, but each time she tried, negative thoughts clouded her mind.

he'll never go for someone like me.

maybe if i were prettier, smarter, special in some way.

but i'm just plain, she told herself.

the smile that had made its way onto her face when she first spotted him was gone and replaced by a look of worry. 

he seemed to notice too.

and he wanted to approach her, he wanted to tell her she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, but he also didn't want to scare her off by being too direct. he wanted to take things slow, but how slow can you take things on a moving train, knowing she could be gone any second?

"now arriving at loveland station." the conductor announced.

dulce got up from her seat quickly and gathered her belongings.

when the train finally came to a stop and the doors opened for the passengers to step out, she took one last look at him before she got off the train.

their eyes met and he saw her standing ther until the doors shut, separating them from each other.

and the train started moving again.

the dark haired boy with green eyes mentally kicked himself for letting her go without even talking to her once. the way they had looked at each other, michael was sure something had clicked without them even saying a word.

people came and went.

he got off a couple of stops later, but still, he couldn't seem to get the sweet brown eyed girl out of his mind.

it was the first thursday.

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