Chapter 1 - Meet The Sanders

Comenzar desde el principio

"So," Mama began. "Do you have practice after school today Mir?"

Amir finished the rest of the food in his mouth before answering her. "Yes mam so li'ugly over there needs to find a ride home."

"I'm riding with Kali." I rolled my eyes.

Daddy broke off a piece of bacon and threw it at Mir. "Stop calling your sister ugly nigga, you ugly." He snickered.

Mir picked up the piece of bacon Daddy threw and tossed it back at him. "But I look just like your punk ass."

Mama pursed her lips at the two of them and slammed her hand down on the table. "Quit acting like children, and Amir watch your mouth!"

I quietly laughed to myself as she scolded them. Daddy and Amir always acted like two big kids. Don't get me wrong he punished Amir and stayed on top of him about his school work and basketball, but at the end of the day he was more like a friend to Amir.

"Sorry," they both mumbled looking down at their plates. I swear the two were just alike, and Amir wasn't lying about them looking alike either. Mir was literally the spitting image of Daddy. Mama and Daddy had pictures of them lying around when they were younger and you would've sworn it was Amir. It was honestly scary.

My phone vibrated in my pocket pulling my attention away from the circus I called a family. Unlocking the screen I noticed a text message from Kali.

I'm outside. –Kali 7:55 a.m.

I sent her a quick 'k' and picked up my dishes from the table.

"Kali's outside. I'll see you guys after school." I rushed out as I dumped my dishes in the sink. I gave both Mama and Daddy a kiss on the cheek, and then grabbed my purse and bookbag off the couch.

"Bye babygirl. Love you." Daddy shouted after me.

"Love you too, you too mama!" I shouted as I rushed out the door.

I ran over to Kali's C4oo Mercedes and hopped into the passenger's seat. Kali was my cousin on my Mom's side. Well, we were really second cousins; actually we weren't cousins at all. She was really my aunt Caya's step daughter, but Caya treated her as her own and we were really close despite our age difference. She was 18 and a senior along with her brother CJ.

"So you excited about sophomore year?" she asked as we pulled out of my driveway.

I nodded eagerly. "Yeah, I actually am. What about you? You'll be out of here in May." I said growing a little sad at the thought.

Kali noticed my sudden change in mood and lightly pushed me. "Cheer up girl. I'll probably end up going to a college near home, but yes I am excited about Senior year."

I could see the excitement in her eyes. Senior year and Shades Valley High was always the best. They only had half a day on Friday's, got to leave campus for lunch, and there was always some sort of off campus party or activity for them to get into. I was honestly kind of jealous, but my time would come soon enough.

We engaged in small talk the rest of the ride and before I knew it we were pulling into the school's parking lot.

"Here goes nothing," I mumbled to myself as I opened my door and stepped outside.

"Do you have practice after school?" I asked Kali as we fell into step walking towards the school's entrance. Kali was the captain of the school's cheerleading team.

"No, but we have an interest meeting right after school that shouldn't last longer than 5 or 10 minutes. You should come." She suggested.

She had been trying to get me to join the team since last year, but I wasn't exactly sure that I wanted to be a cheerleader. It seemed so cliché to me.

"I'll think about it." I promised as we approached the office.

Kali walked off in the direction of her homeroom after bidding me goodbye, and I walked into the office. I gave the secretary my name, and she handed me my schedule. I had English homeroom which wasn't so bad considering it was my favorite subject.

Leaving the office, I went in search of my locker to take off this blasted jacket. I was so caught up in trying to memorize my classes that I wasn't looking where I was going until my body collided with something hard. My body fell to the floor and I held my face in shock. Glancing up, I realized I walked right into a door. Talk about embarrassing.

"Yo are you okay?" A voice asked as a dark-skinned, tattooed hand reached out to help me. Taking the stranger's hand I stood to my feet still rubbing my sore forehead. I was almost positive the spot was bloodshot red.

"Thanks for helping me up." I mumbled, finally looking up. The guy standing in front of me was absolutely gorgeous. He was dark skinned with dreads that hung way past his shoulders. His eyebrows were nearly perfect, his all-white smile had me weak in the knees and his small nose ring was the perfect touch shining from his rich chocolate skin.

I felt my cheeks flush immediately. If I wasn't embarrassed about walking into a door in the first place, I was surely embarrassed now.

"U-uh, t-thanks again for helping me," I stuttered. "I should get going now." I turned on my heels to walk away, but his arm reached out and stopped me.

"Can I at least get your name beautiful?" he asked flashing that million dollar smile that had my body doing things I was completely unused to.

"I-I-Indi, Indi S-Sky." I stuttered once again like a fool.

"Jace," he replied reaching his hand out to shake mine. I reluctantly placed my hand in his and he gave it a small squeeze. "Nice to meet you Indi...Sky."

I slowly pulled my hand away and looked down. "Likewise." I mumbled.

Just then I felt my body being jerked forward. I looked up to lock eyes with none other than Amir.

"Indi what the hell you doing talking to niggas in the hallway?" He asked while mugging Jace.

I rolled my eyes and stepped out of his embrace. "Nothing Mir," I huffed. "He was just helping me out because I fell." I whispered the last part, because I knew Amir would fall into a fit of laughter. Like clockwork he began laughing his butt off.

"Yo, you fell? How'd you fall?" he asked laughing even harder.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk away from him. He trailed right behind me still wanting to know the details of how I managed to embarrass myself within 30 minutes of the first day back.

I tuned Amir out and turned to look at Jace over my shoulder. He was looking in my direction as if waiting on me to turn around and see him. He sent me a small smile and waved.

"See you around Indi Sky!" he yelled down the hall. The way my name rolled off his tongue had my face flushing red.

Maybe sophomore year wouldn't be so bad.




I'm back like I never left! Heyyyyy everyone! I know it's been like a year and some change since I've been gone, but I needed a break to figure some shit out. Lol. I'm going to try my damnedest to keep this story updated, because I owe you all that much. Thanks for being patient, thanks for getting The Bodyguard to 1Million viewssss ! HAHAAAA ! And thanks for just being YOU! I swear I love y'all for all the support. 

How y'all feeling about chapter 1? Wanting to know more about Indi Sky, Amir, Kali, & CJ? Y'all know I'm coming with the drama soooo *rubs hands like Birdman* stay tuned bitchesssss ! Lol 

Nalani <3 

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