None of that.

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I sat in amazment on the couch. Kyle was just as amazed as me at the sight before us.
"Chug! Chug! Chug!" Everyone chanted as Clyde was held up side down. He downed beer.
"How the fuck is he doing that?!" Kyle exclaims.
"Hell if I know." I comment.
Clyde finished and they stood him up.
"Woo!" He cheered and everyone joined.
I stood up and high-five Clyde.
"That was fucking sick dude!" I say.
"I know!" He stumbles a little.

(Stan's pov)
I watched as (y/n) high-fived Clyde, who I'm surprised hasn't spewed.
"Stan? You alright?" Kyle questions. I glance at him.
"Yeah." I say.
"Are you sure --"
"Stan!" Wendy's voice rings in my ears. I turn around to meet with my girlfriend.
"Hey Wendy!" I smile, completely forgetting that Kyle was talking to me.
"Stan, my feet hurt. Could you get me a drink?" She tilts her head sweetly.
"Yeah." I stand and go to the kitchen.

(Kyle's pov)
"Stan!?" I call after him.
He keeps walking. Wendy sits next to me, making me slide away from her.
'I fucking hate that bitch.'
I always wonder why Stan is still with this manipulative slut. Especially since he likes (y/n).

(Your pov)
Kyle had just called Stan but Stan was hypnotized by Wendy.
I roll my eyes and walk to kyle.
"I'm leaving." I whisper.
"Why?" He questions.
I point at Stan then Wendy.
"I am not staying around to watch that." I say with a stoic expression on my face.
He gives me a sympathetic look.
I stand straight and grab my bag and walk to the door.
"What's wrong?" Kenny asks.
I stop.
"I'm not staying around for that." I say and look at Stan and Wendy.
"I'm sorry. Do you want me to walk you home?" He asks sincerely. I shake my head.
"Thanks Ken..." I say and walk out.
I walk down the sidewalk. I looked at the ground. I sigh.
It was almost the end of 10th grade year so it was fairly warm.
I hugged the strap of my bag tightly as I walked.
'Stan doesn't like me. Why would he? What would he see in me?' I mentally doubt myself.
"Why are you doubting yourself like that?" A feminine voice asks.
I rapidly turn around to meet face to face with one of my friends Angela. (Me)
"I'm not. don't worry about it." I say and turn my head.
"(y/n), I'm not stupid. I know when something is on your mind..... Is it Stan?...." She questions.
"Yeah...." I answer.
"Aww, I'm sorry (y/n)...." She sighs and brushes hair behind my ear.
"I hate Wendy." She says.
"Me too...." I whimper.
"Come on ill walk you home." She says.

Mashmellow (Stan x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu