Chapter 1: I just saw a pokémon

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As I walked through the museum skipping lunch I looked around in surprised we're going on another trip after what Percy did.

As people get out I see Grover with another smell this time peanut butter.

"Nancy.." I sighed as I followed our Latin teacher Mr. Brunner as we stop in front of a sphinx and he explained how it was a grave marker for a girl out age.

Then my ADHD came in ooh person! Oohh a fire plunger used by Thomas Jefferson. Then Nancy tapped my shoulder snickering about a naked guy on a stele as Percy hearing us. Yells making my ears bleed

"Shut up!" but I knew he said it louder than he intended to. But of course he got the whole group laughing good job.

"Mr.Jackson" he said, "did you have a comment?"

He was bright red "no sir" he said turning away from the teacher.

Than he pointed at a picture on the stele.

"Perhaps you'll tell us what this picture represent?

"That's Kronos eating his kids right?" he says as I face palm everyone sees that! Ohh look at Zues in that dress!

"Yes" Mr Brunner said not satisfied

"Well.... Kronos was the king god and-"

"God?" He asked

"Titan and...... He didn't trust his kids, who were gods. So, um, he ate them, right? But his wife hid baby Zues, and gave Kronos a rock to eat instead. And later, when Zues grew up, he tricked his dad Kronos into barfing up his brother and sisters-"

"Eeew!" said one of the girls behind me. Stop being childish....

"-and so there was this big fight between the gods and the titans and the gods won"

Than snickers came he did good and they still were at it UGHHHHHH they are special.

"Like we're going to use this on real life. Like it's going to say on our jobs application. 'Please explain why Kronos ate his kids.'"

"And why Misssss. Underwood"

"I don't know I actually agree with Nancy" I saw I him disappointed

"Was I that wrong" I thought.

"Mr Jackson?" he asked hopefully

"I don't know sir" he said as the teacher looks even more disappointed.

"I see" he said

"Well, half credit, Mr.Jackson. Zues did indeed feed Kronos a mixture of mustard and wine, which made him disgorge his other five children, who, of course,being immortal gods, have been living and growing up completely undigested in the Titans stomach."

"The gods defeated their father, sliced him to pieces with with his own scythe, and scattered his remains in Tartarus, the darkest part of the underworld. On that happy note it's time for lunch. Mrs.Dodds, would you lead us outside?"

As we drifted back outside girls held their stomach from the nasty lecture and boys playing around like monkeys.

"Hey get over here" Mrs. Dodds muttered

"Yes?" I asked

"Better learn to answer those questions because you might need them" she said as she mutters one more thing.

"I found them" what does she mean am I going to jail? Oh god why me?

As I keep walking I grab some milk then I saw a storm brewing interesting....but, something bad happened I walked into a table I noticed my milk wasn't closed till the last minute.

And to my surprise It was all over Percy when I looked at him he looked like he could attempt murder.

Then water flew toward me at alarming speed as I closed my eyes I hear grass come up just in time to shield me and go back in the ground.

After that people whispered "Did you see--"

"--the water--"

"--but that grass"

And before I heard anything else I was forcefully grabbed by Mrs. Dodds and she dragged me back to the museum as Percy followed.

As we got to the Greek and Roman place surprising fast she let go and glared at us. That wasn't even the scary part the gallery was empty..

"You two have been giving us problems" she said sounding sinister

"What this is the first time I done something and it was on accident!" I yelled fearing of expulsion or jail.

"Did you really think you would get away with it?" she said as I started to wonder what she was talking about.

"Wait what I think your talking the wrong girl-"

"We'll try harder ma'am" Percy said cutting me off.

Then thunder shook the building.

"We're not fools Percy and Claire" she said

"It was only a matter of time we found you out. Confess, and you will suffer less pain"

"Well?" she asked

"Uhh" Percy said completely confused as I was.

"Uhh I just had milk" I said then the creepy thing happened.

"Your time is up" she said.

The something weird happened I think my teacher just turned into a Pokémon and evolved to a whole lots of ugly.

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