Holy Roman Empire x Reader

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You lay on the gentle swaying grass, of a field, not far from Mr.Austria's house of course.  Looking up to the beautiful clear sky, you begin to hum your most favourite song, just forgetting the world with your eye lids dropped gently. Not long after, you happen to hear your small best Italian friend calling out for you. 

"(Name)! (Name)!! Where are you~?" 

The soft, sweet voice of that Italian rings to your ear, resulting you to snap out of your daze. 

"I'm here Italy! I'm here!" You reply with a warm smile. 

"Ahh~! I finally found you (Name)! I was really worried..!" the little maid responded with a relieved tone. "W..What are you doing out here in the fields alone?" 

"Oh me? I was just relaxing, it's been such a day... would you care to join me?" You asked openly

"Si! Grazie (Name)! I'd love to join you!" Said the brunette as 'she' sat next to you. "It's really nice out here (Name), no wonder you like to come here a lot!"

You looked to the sky once again, hearing birds chirp, embracing the soft breezes that came occasionally. It seemed that your friend also enjoyed the fresh air. You both talked & played, as time passed. Tired after all the playing, laughing & talking, the sky became dark as evening approached slowly. The chills then began to build up, as you both began to shiver.

"I..It's getting dark & cold... (Name)... Let's go back to Mr.Austria's house, si?" the Italian asked, trying to keep 'herself' warm by wrapping 'her' arms around 'herself'. 

"S..Sure" you began, "Let's go before it gets any worse..."

You both got up then began making your way back to Mr.Austria's house. 

~Timeskip, until you & Italy finally reach Mr.Austria's house~

"Ah, welcome back you two!~" said Ms.Hungary who was currently cooking dinner. "My my, where were you both today? I hope you didn't cause any trouble..." she giggled. "Now (Name), please go get Holy Rome from upstairs. Tell him that dinner is almost ready!" The Hungarian smiled so sweetly at you as you went to get Holy Rome. As soon as you got up the stairs, you dusted yourself off then sighed a little bit. You approached Holy Rome's door just about to knock, when Holy Rome himself opened the door, accidentally running into you. You were surprised at the sudden embrace. You looked into the boy's clear, beautiful cerulean eyes, which then made your cheeks turn a bit pink. You stepped back giving room for HRE to walk through. 

"Ah, (Name)..." The boy began arhcing an eyebrow at your expression, "I..Is there something wrong? Something bothering you?" He asked 

You shook your head quickly turning around, "N..No..! U..Uhm, Ms.Hungary s..sent me to get you... dinner is almost r..ready.." you shuddered. 

Holy Rome closed the door behind him, "Is that so? Well, let's go downstairs for dinner then (Name)..." he replied smiling a bit as he followed you. 

You and HRE finally get downstairs, where veryone was seem to be waiting for you both, "Please excuse us..." You said, gently rubbing the back of your neck, smiling nervously. Holy Rome approached his seat, as you did the same. You sat next to Italy, who was sitting directly across from Holy Rome. That's when Holy Rome glanced at the Italian, who always seemed to be happy, & blushed a bit. 

"Aw, Holy Rome~ You like Italy don't you~?" you teased him.

He then snapped, "I..It's not like that (Name)!" turning away to hide his flushed face. 

Although you teased him more about him liking Italy, it hurt your heart. You finally came to a stop when Ms.Hungary suggested, "Now now, let's all eat~!" 

"Ms.Hungary is right children..." said the unamused man, Mr.Austria. 

From time to time, during dinner of course, you glanced at Holy Rome, who was almost always glacing over to Italy. You felt your heart drop everytime you saw this. Dinner time ended, & everyone put their dishes in the sink to wash. You were luckily the first one & finished in no time! You ran up the stairs then into your room, closing the door, not closed completely. Everyone downstairs was a little puzzled, especially Italy. 

"Huh?~ What happened to (Name)?" the Italian asked

"No one knows, Italy..." said Holy Rome who gave out a little sigh

There in your room, you removed your clothes, grabbing a hanger, hanging the clothes. You opened up your wardrobe to a new set of a cute (Favourite Colour) night gown, which reached the floor, it had no sleeves, it's ends had its final touch with a sew of white, gentle, see-through ruffles. You walked towards the mirror, next to the wardrobe, to see yourself. You were happy with what you had as pajama's, but still sad about the fact that Holy Rome liked Italy. Your heart began to pound in pain. You sighed sadly. You then made your way to bed, facing away from the door with many tears slipping through your eyes, rolling down your red cheeks. You were like that for a while, until you heard the door creek open, you were shocked. Who would be up at this time? 

"E..Eh... Uhm.. (Name)..?" HRE entered you room, in his pajamas too, he walked over to you, seeing you in tears. You quickly wipped away the tears, but sniffed. 

"Yes Holy Rome..?" you asked with a stuffy nose

"Are you okay..?"

"O..Of course I am..! Why... Why wouldn't I be..?" you looked down

"I know there is something wrong... Can I know..?" He asked crawling onto you bed where he sat next to you. 

You began to blush then shook your head, "No... It's nothing..."

"Stop lying..." Holy Rome said placing a hand ontop of yours. 

"W..Well..." You then turned red as a tomato, then continued.

"I..I... l..like-" 

Holy Rome cuts you off by kissing your sweet lips, gently, he moves back then smiles.

"I've liked you for a while too... (Name)..." he confessed as well.

You looked deep into the beautiful eyes that looked right back into your (Eye Colour) eyes, lovingly. You were the first one to look away, resulting from this love pressure you felt. 

"Well... I've got to go to sleep now..." Said the boy sliding off your bed

You took a hold of his hand then begged, "Please, can I sleep with you tonight..?"

Holy Rome blushed, he then nodded taking your hand as you slide off your bed. You then follow him to his room, closing the door behind him. You hop into his bed moving over to make room for Holy Rome. Once Holy Rome got into bed, you both cuddled together, feeling each other's warmth. You begin to think to yourself, that the boy's body is warm. That night, you both drifted off to deep sleep. 

~The next morning~

You wake up, earlier than HRE & anyone else, so you decide to get out of bed, well, before anyone else saw that you & HRE were sleeping together. You kiss the boy's forehead sliding off his bed gently. You were just about to leave the room, when you heard HRE murmur. 

"(Name)~!" he sang softly.

This made you giggle.

"Aww, you're so cute~" you whisper

You resume to leave his room, but hear's someone walking down the long hallway, you rush back in HRE's room, slightly peeking your head out, to see Italy enter your room. 

"(Name)~?" The Italian maid searched in your room, "Oh? She's not here..." The maid tapped his chin. "Maybe she's in Holy Rome's room~" 

How did she get it right so quickly, well, after all, HRE's room is just across from your room. You decide to go back into bed with Holy Rome trying to hide under the blanket. 

The Italian opened the door, looked around the room, not having any luck so far, the maid walked to the bed, lifting the blanket a bit, happening to see you & HRE sleeping together. 

To Be Continued...(?)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2014 ⏰

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