'status?' I asked again

'we want to keep going' they told me sounding tired and I turned around to look at them, most were doing a good job of keeping up but some looked like they were having trouble and wanted to let their wolfs out

'thirty more minutes' I told them before focusing on running and baring with the gum. they were trying to prove to me that they could keep up and were improving I sensed that they wanted to make me proud I think it was even coming from Calvin

after thirty minutes, I finally headed back to the pack house running slow enough so they don't push it and I have dead pups to worry about. when everyone was finally there I checked on them to see everyone shifting back to their human forms panting like crazy

"20-minute break before combat practice" I told them about to head back in

"A-Asher" a kid spoke up taking everyone's attention

"what?" I asked him and he seemed more scared

"speak or you won't be heard" I told him, he looked like he might be the son of an omega from the way he was sweating and panting

"d-d-did w-we do go-good" he asked me and I looked at him along with most of the kids they were all staring nervously at me waiting for an answer. looks like he was the only one that could speak up so I walked up to only scaring him and some of the pack members more I reached out for him and he flinched a little, but I only patted his head

"you did good" I said smiling a little bit at him. when I said that he looked speechless for a while till he finally smiled

"thank your alp-Asher" he quickly correct

"Mhm" I said before walking back into the pack house

"that was so sweet" Cora said coming up with me

"what?" I asked

"what you said out there, you even smiled. Sort of but it was still sweet" she told me

"it was only the truth" I shrugged heading for the kitchen

"it was still sweet, you gonna have all the she wolfs over you with that routine" she said getting bottle water while I made a sandwich


"too bad that's all their gonna hear out of you" she sighed. some of the women have already tried making advances but I never paid attention to them

"Mhm" I said before sitting down on the couch where most of the kids were watching Steven universe

"hi Asher" some greeted me and came to sit next to me

"mmm" I told them paying attention to the tv

"you're a one of a kind alpha you know that" Cora said shaking her head while some of the kids and mothers laughed. didn't really see what was so different beside how I let ross and George handle all the paperwork but I guess it didn't matter

"Asher are you ever gonna have a luna?" a little girl asked me blushing

"now-" a mom started

"who knows" I told her while most of the little girls giggled. almost like she used to do, but if I start getting proposed to I'm gonna have to leave

she came at me with her claws pretty well but I easily dodged it and swept at her feet trying to get her off balance, but she jumped over it and tried to kick me in the face but I blocked it with my arm, when she came down she tried another kick at my face but I slapped it away just as she was able to finally get a good kick to my side in, but she lost focus probably proud of the hit she landed giving me the opportunity to grab her leg and judo flip her so she was on her back her mate growled but he was in no condition do move

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