Roli belongs to Siddhant

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RoSid release the hug hearing the bell sound...

Roli: Siddhant the bell is ringing... Lets go...

Roli took couple of steps while Siddhant hold her hand...

Roli stopped...

Siddhant slowly pulled her towards him...

He wrapped his hand again around her...

Siddhant: Roli... Lets miss the class...

Roli: Siddhant...

Siddhant: Ssshhh... Today Roli belongs to Siddhant... Siddhant belongs to Roli... Got it...

Roli blushed...

Roli too wrapped her hand around him...

RoSid were looking at each other...

RoSid had eyelock for a while...

RoSid were lost in each other...

Siddhant tried to move towards her face...
While ROli blushed and took backward steps...

Siddhant took forward steps towards her without leaving his grip around her...

Roli reached the tree trunk and she cant move away anymore...

she lean on the tree...

Siddhant now moved towards her face with a longing look...

He placed his first kiss on her cheeks...

Roli closed her eyes...

He moved towards the other side and kissed on other cheeks...

Then on her closed eyelids...

Then on her forehead...

Then on her nose...

Then on her chin...

Siddhant was driving crazy...

He peck on her lips...

Roli was unable to bear anymore...

Roli lean on his shoulders...

She hug him tightly...

Siddhant too wrapped his hand around her...

Few minutes went in silence...

Siddhant: Hi Roli... Are you ok...

He realised she is yet to come out of the excitement...

She was still in silence...

Siddhant caresses her back...

Siddhant: Roli, Relax... Sorry.. I was not suppose to do that before you come out of your excitement already... I am really sorry...

Roli kept her finger on his lips...

Roli: No need for any sorry to your Roli... You said right.. Roli belongs to Siddhant... Infact i am alive today because of you... I am completely yours...

Siddhant smiled...

Siddhant kissed on her finger which was on his lips...

Roli with a blush took her finger back and wrapped around him...
Siddhant: Ok ok.. In that case Roli become Siddhant's... But is Siddhant not belongs to ROli...

Roli swiftly looked at him...

Roli: Why are you asking like this...

Siddhant: Then what... ROli is very much silent with Siddhant...

Roli blushed...

Siddhant: Roli.. I am waiting for you...

His eyes ordered her eyes than the words...

Roli cup his face...

Roli kissed on his cheeks...

then on his other cheeks...

then on his forehead...

then on his chin...

then on his nose...

When Roli was moving towards his lips...

She realised what she is trying to do and with a blush tried to move away...

Siddhant swiftly cup her face...

Siddhant: Roli... why you stopped...

Roli: I cant...

Siddhant: Roli... look at me...

Roli looked into his eyes...

Siddhant: Feeling shy with your Siddhant...

Roli blushed & down her eye lids...

Siddhant: Roli, Look into my eyes...

Roli slowly raise her eyelids to look into his eyes...

Roli forgot her world in his gazing eyes...

RoSid moved towards each other's lips...

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