Chapter 5: The dares

Start from the beginning

Then I heard an annoying voice like of a big grown up that pretends to be a child, saying:

"Sonofabitch this monster is tough bro!"

Someone responded, speaking so fast I can barely understand it:


A girl who seems to be with them speaks, I can still hear it though I'm far from them.

"Kyaah! Lemme go..."

Looks like these two are violent, It piqued my interest. Not about them but about the monster they're fighting... and it looks like they're holding an innocent girl hostage! But we have a dare... no I should save that girl.

"It won't hurt to see who they are, that girl I heard and what they're fighting..."

After saying that in my head I ran to the direction I heard their voice, and hide in a bush and took a peek. I should be careful and plan out what to do.

When I took a peek I saw two men with a girl, in front of them was a Vajra who was mutilated.

"But it'll only heal fast, I mean they're weapons looks like the ordinary weapons back in time-"

But in my surprise, the Aragami won't heal. It looks like they're weapons are effective after all... what's that? That wasn't a God Arc!

One men who was fat was fighting, he looks tough. But his body was full of scars... and he was severely injured now. Not only that, he was barely clothed and he was bald. :/

The skinny one was holding the girl, his grip looks like it hurts... the girl must be in pain

The girl looks like she was in my age, fifteen above... the two men looks like mid 40s...

"I can't watch this anymore... I should forget the dare for now."

I ran from the bush, and attacked the Vajra. The two men looked surprised, the fat guy keeps attacking too. A minute had passed and the Vajra was dead meat. I devoured it's core.

"Thanks lad, who're you?" Asked the skinny guy.

"Sorry I can't tell, but I'm a God Eater... by the way why are you holding that girl like a hostage?"

They glared like monsters, like I did or said something wrong. Are these two allies or enemies? I should keep my senses together or my ground will be a thin ice.

Fat guy: *jumps like a child* Why do you care?! She was ours-

Skinny guy: *put one hand on the fat guy's mouth* don'tlistentohimlad, *cough* I'll.slow.'t.understand.

D-O-N-T I-N-T-E-R-F-E-R-E, T.H.I.S. G.I.R.L. I.S. O.U.R.S. S.O. W.E. C.A.N. D.O. E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. T.O. H.E.R!

W-What?... This guy is weird.

The girl shouts, and tries to talk.

"help me these two are-"

The skinny guy hit her and she fell unconscious.

I immediately took my god arc, the fat guy immediately attacks me with his buster sword, it was too strong! My god arc can't even stand it! What exactly are their weapons?!

I think it was like a God arc but not a biological weapon... but it's not possible to attack the Aragami without the bias factor..

The skinny guy threw the white haired girl and tries to attack me too

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