Chapter 4: My mission with Sakuya

Start from the beginning

Little did Sakuya and Alisa know that this one was the leader of the pack, and now it was calling it's companions.

Alisa: Oh no, this is bad!

Sakuya: It would be better to lure it's...

Only a matter of five seconds and all their targets had gathered around

All in one place? This is dangerous.

**Alisa POV**

We are really in a tough spot. Having all four Kongous united together... both Sakuya and I might die...

Sakuya signalled Soma and Kouta, firing a flare. I hope they come soon because I don't think we can get out of the Kongous. Too bad I didn't brought stun grenades and Sakuya didn't too. Now if only Kouta and Soma have...

Sakuya: Alisa! Don't just stand there!

Alisa: Yes! Reloading!

I reloaded my gun, I have 120 spark bullets left and there's no way I can gamble on missing.

What would he do in this situation?

Sakuya and I kept firing until she rans out, I gave her condensed bullets. Sakuya is running dry... she only have 100 freeze bullets, and 50 blaze bullets. I don't think blaze works for Kongous.

The four Kongous dances in our sight, they kept smashing the ground and attacking us. I can't even try to slash them because I have to kept using my shield all the time. Here comes a time I can't dodge and shield every attack and our luck had ran out.

Kouta! Soma... why aren't you here yet?! It's been ten minutes...

The first Kongou attack and hit me with it's fist, I was thrown back. The others attack and the same time and my shield was destroyed. I got injured by the debris and the claw of the Kongous that attacked me.

Alisa: S-Sakuya... run...

"Alisa!" I fell unconcious, and the last thing I heard was Sakuya calling my name.

**Sakuya POV**

This is bad! Alisa fell unconcious and all Kongou targets are here! I combined my remaining items and made a stun grenade. I used it and ran off carrying Alisa.

Alisa was bleeding and I had to cover all her wounds. I kept waking her up, but she doesn't seem to respond. We hid in a ruined house so I don't worry much... I wonder why Soma and Kouta aren't responding... maybe we should call off the mission...

But we shouldn't turn back! If only Lenka and Kannagi-kun were here things would turn out great...

Alisa woke up after a matter of seconds and at the same time, someone gave a signal.

Sakuya: Are you alright?

Alisa: Yeah... my head just hurts a bit.

Sakuya: I bet that's Kota and Soma's signal. We definitely should go there.-

Alisa: Sakuya am I a hindrance to you?

Sakuya: Why did you ever think you were?

Alisa: Sorry... I guess this mission was a bad idea... by the way... let's just... go.

Sakuya: Don't ever think that way, You're definitely a great help not just to me but to others.

Alisa: Why do you say so? I feel a burden to everyone and... to him.

Sakuya: We definitely should talk about that later. We have so many times and chances but not now, Alisa.

Me and Alisa ran as fast as we could and when we go to where the signal was, we saw Kouta and Soma around two dead bodies of Kongou and Kouta were wounded... this is bad.

Soma: *glare* What took you so long?

Alisa: You two! If only you came early...

Kouta: *in pain* Now we had... many obstacles in our way... sorry about that.

Sakuya: No time to fight each other, let's just finish what we started already.

It took us twenty minutes to finish the two Kongou left. With Soma around it turned out quite right.

After devouring the cores, I took my phone from my skirt and called the helicopter. Kouta seems in a bad shape and Alisa doesn't seem that fully alright yet.

When we returned to the den, Tsubaki's scold are our rewards. Lindow got all the heat and we just laugh our lungs out.

Lindow: No fair!

Tsubaki: The leader takes the heat for not disciplining his comrades to be careful. Teach them well.

Lenka was surprisingly well now, and his leg ain't hurts anymore. Kannagi-kun was here now too and was worried about Kota but Kota is alright now and noisy again.

I knew this moment won't last forever...

...But I hope no one dies.


That's impossible Sakuya!

BTW Chapter four ends here so Sayonara! Minna-san please look forward to the other chapters! Comment and vote if you liked it don'cha forget!!

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