02 \ 控えめな

Start from the beginning

Only an unimpressed glare is what he caused her. Now that Renjun is acting this way, it's safe to say that he's absolutely fine.

Sighing, the elder darted her gaze back to the messy room. "Oh dear, why did you break your window again?"

"What -No! I'm not the one who did it!" the teenager holds up his hands, innocence drawn all over. "But what do you mean by again, auntie? I never-"

"You threw your wireless mouse and broke the window two months ago," the nanny stated in a straight voice, giving him a stern look, "Don't tell me you threw your laptop this time."

Defeated, Renjun hopelessly facepalmed, reminded of the day he lost his temper in a bad game. Nonetheless, he shook the thoughts off and wore his black school shoes (since it's the first pair he could find) before entering his room again with a floor of thorns.

Mrs. Han clicked her tongue for a few times while shaking her head disapprovingly on how the kid rummage around the dangerously untidy room.

"There has to be something..." Renjun whispered to himself as he checked below the bed.

On the other hand, the now calmed down woman started cleaning up the whole mess. She also picked up the poor laptop and put it on the desk for a while. Who knows? Maybe a fairy would magically appear by midnight and fix it. It's too early to throw it away.

"Ha!" a devious smile lit up Renjun's face when he found a baseball hiding guiltily in the dim light beneath his bed.

"What is it?" puzzled, the nanny had asked, haulted with the broomstick in her hand.

He grinned mischivously at her before aswering, "An evidence!"

Then all of a sudden, both have heard the doorbell setting off which only made Renjun feel way closer to find out who the culprit is.

"I got it!" the gamer jolted up almost too instantly.

After just mere five seconds, he's now standing behind their front door and ready to ask that person to pay for their crime. Twisting the knob, the door opened, revealing an unfamiliar boy who looks young as he is, wearing a sheepish smile while rubbing his nape.

The gentle wind brushes his subtle locks of hair in caramel, giving off a prettier view of his face especially to his smile. Somehow, his eyes in confusion are evident as well, staring back at Renjun in his odd outfit, unmatched moomin pyjamas and black leather school shoes. However the way he ridiculously looks, Jaemin still noticed the different matter. A meter in front of him is a boy like a porcelain doll, a male one of course.

Pale he may seemed, his lips are attractively florid, a pair of soft reddish lips... the boy thought.

"Hi, uhm, I'm Jaemin and we just moved next door -I'm very sorry for breaking your window," greeted the unfamiliar boy opposite him, apologizing at the end.

The sincerity in Jaemin's voice is more than audible. Unfortunately for him, being mostly cooped up at home or rather only at his room, it's not a news that Renjun tends to fail socializing properly.

"Compensate for my laptop," are only the words the gamer had chosen to reply.

Jaemin have to blink repeatedly for a second to digest in what he was told, "Your laptop..." he quietly murmured, puzzled, and when he finally got it, his eyes widened in shock.

Dumbfounded more than anyone could tell, he covered his mouth and muffled out, "Oh sh-- I broke your laptop too?!"

Renjun only sent him a deadpan glance as he nod slowly and cross his arms over his chest as response. What a friendly kid he had grown, hadn't he?

"I'm very, very sorry for that. I promise that I will---" Jaemin eventually took pause, his polite smile returning back as he looks past Renjun.

"Oh hello there, you must be our new neighbor!" Mrs. Han popped out behind Renjun which never even surprised the boy. He's used to it, having a nanny everywhere he goes. Coming out of nowhere, poof, here and there.

Mrs. Han introduced herself including the household, the Huang Residence that Jaemin will have next door for God knows how long. Renjun lowkey threw scowls at her nanny when his own name was mentioned. He obviously doesn't like people knowing him as much as he hates knowing people.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Han. I really love the garden at your front yard," complimented the neighbor, earning a sweeter motherly smile in return.

"Oh you, you can call me Auntie! Mrs. Han reminds me of myself married to a dead goofy husband," then burst out in a hearty laughter the elder did. The two young ones can't help but to exchange weirded-out looks. "But anyway, thank you, dear. This garden won't be attended fully if Renjun is responsive," then smiles as she does, as if it's good that the mentioned kid ignores her sometimes.

"We just moved in this morning. My name's Jaemin and... uhm.. I'm also the one who broke your window. I'm really so, so sorry-"

"No no no, it's okay, Jaemin-ssi!" the nanny cut in, interrupting his brave confession and apology. "It's good to have you here, anyway. If you want to make it up for Renjun, you can help him clean up the pieces of glass scattering everywhere in his room."

The suggestion took Jaemin off guard from its friendliness and maybe too much of it. Renjun is way more surprised though, forced in a foreign situation. But it's the only way Mrs. Han thinks for Renjun to make at least one friend.

"What? There's no way I'm letting in a troublesome stranger to my room!" as expected, the trouble boy objected.

"H-He's right, Mrs. Han- Auntie!" Jaemin stammered, a little offended from how Renjun had addressed him. What can he do? Deep inside, he hides a fragile heart.

"Stop it, Huang Renjun!" the woman finally got mad at his rude remarks. This only happens often since she bares a long patience with the kid. But when it does, it surely scares Renjun and makes him comply with her to everything.

"Yes Auntie, I'm l-letting him in n-now," he replied, frightened to the bones.

Then Jaemin smiled.

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