Humans can lick too

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A young girl named Casey often had to spend time alone at home at night, as her parents worked late. They brought her a dog to keep her company and protect her.

One night, Casey was awakened by a dripping sound. She got up and went to the kitchen to turn off the tap properly. As she was getting back into bed, she stuck her hand under the bed and the dog licked it.

The dripping sound continued, so she went into the bathroom and made sure the tap was off. She went back to her bedroom and stuck her hand under the bed and the dog licked it again.

The dripping continued: drip, drip, drip. This time she listened and located the source of the dripping.... It was coming from the closet door. She opened the door to see her poor dog hanging upside down with its neck cut. Written on the window on the inside of the cupboard was..........


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